The perfect trade


Hi all,

Just thought I'd share with you the perfect trade I made today. I am over the moon my "system" or "strategy" seems to work:clap: A little background first.

I've been attempting to trade for several years now, and I have the battle scars to prove it. In short I've got the T-shirt. Some of the mistakes I've made and trading methodologies I've used in the past are too embarrassing to mention. I ended up losing £20k. I gave up a couple of times and dabbled a couple of times. But I was thoroughly fed up and annoyed.

However recently, for some unknown reason I picked it up again and started reading some books, studying trading methologies and testing a few things.( yeah i know i should have done that at the start).Eventually something clicked and I caught on. I found a strategy that seemed to work according to my personality and time frame. I tested it and it looked good. Some losses but the stop loss would save me (one confession, I never used a stop loss when i started out😡). Anyway, i plucked up some courage to put on a live trade today. I woke up checked the markets and saw a setup on the dax to go short around midday. The kids were off school and wanted to go to the park and MickyDs. I waited for my trigger but it was slow in coming , and with the kids now getting more impatient, i thought it best to put in an order, with a stop and take profit a certain number of points away. i.e plan your trade and trade your plan. It would be better I'd thought since I wouldn't be staring at the screen and no emotions would be involved.

I logged off and as we got ready to leave, I couldn't help but sneak a peak at bloomberg. As luck would have it , the market moved in my favour, yippy. We left. Around an hour later , as soon as I got in , i switched on and the dax was past my profit limit for the day. Double yippy. I logged on , and ...wait for it....easy now....

the account was SMALLER than when I had started out!! What the... I checked and double checked and checked some more. What had happened is that with all the commotion I had lost focus. Instead of specifying short i had entered long in error. I logged off so fast i didn't double check the trade. And my stop loss was hit.

Oh I'm sorry, the title should have been " The perfect trade gone wrong!!" so i wonder what lessons I have learned today...

I'm over the initial shock and dissapointment now. So i thought sharing this would be therapeutic. I have some comfort in the fact that my strategy is working. So friends wish me luck and pray I win more than I lose in future.

take care..TH
the lesson learned should be..... not to encourage your children to eat, what might be, the most unheathy food on the planet 😛
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Doh. Happens to us all. I'd wait a few hundred trades before deciding if your system works or not, though.
Thanks for your replies folks.

Dilesh, We don't do the Big Mac too often,, so once in while won't hurt.

Shadowninja, yeah you're too right. The post was a bit tongue in cheek. I know there is no holy grail. In fact that right there IS the holy grail i.e. knowing that there isn't one. As long as I win more/ bigger than I lose.

FXscalper , thanks for your support.

Skill leverage,.... Aaaaaaaaand WGAF.
You've been a member of this community for 3 years, with access to all the knowledge you need, you make 1 'perfect' trade and feel that it deserves a boast about how epic your system is? Merry Christmas.
So having read further... So, you've been a member of this community for 3 years, with access to all the knowledge you need, you make 1 'perfect' trade (in which you got stopped out), and your system is now foolproof? Forgive me for thinking this was a troll after the first sentence...
You don't mention what trading platform you use to enter and exit trades. Some can be a bit confusing & thus entry errors like yours are more likely. If that's you're problem, replace it immediately as there are plenty of good ones out there. Also you should SIM trade for a while with any new platform to allow yourself to get used to it before puting cash at risk.

The individual that really has the guts & personality to be a trader will put this type of experiece behind him and move on. It's this ability that separates the real traders from the wannabes

Good Trading to all
TuffTrade- Day Trade Smart