The next Audio Lecture


Legendary member
I'm planning the next audio lecture for Wednesday 7th March( as long as Sefty hasn't arranged his lecture for that night).
I will be talking about "reversal patterns"- how to indentify tops and bottoms.Charts will be required and I'll email them to participants.
I will also post the EPIC's a little nearer the time.
Tops will be easy, Bottoms will be quite dificult to find...
If you want the charts, email me and I will forward them a bit nearer the time.
[email protected]
Hi Martin

I dont mind what night the lectures are on so I suggest that majority rule is a fair way for you to decide.

Audio Lecture Update

The Top/Bottom Lecture will be held on paltalk on Tuesday 6th March at 8pm in trade2win ( business and finance) on PALTALK. password is tradall.
See you there....
Is there any more news on the mp3 front.

I've not had constant access to machines with sound cards (soon to be fixed) and have missed them all so far.
Apologies chaps, have to earn my crust on tues night this week (and Wed night next week - in case you had anything else planned!)