There's some excellent videos on Utube that explain in easy to understand steps how money is created in the Fractional Reserve Central Bank System. I'll pm you some links to the series, if you'd like.Any books you recommend. i,e For Dummies
Indeed.I currently reading A Brief History of the Hundred Years War: The English in France, 1337-1453 now back then the king and his government did issue the coin maybe thats why I 'am confused?!
The King got annoyed when the coins where getting debased, that's what the crypto crowd thinks is happening with the QE policies in the current day.Hence why the King's head was stamped on every coin.
Where do you get this data?By the way, the average lifespan of a fiat currency throughout the ages as you phrase it, is a mere 41 years from adoption to collapse and economic ruin
The data can be found widely over the internet including at but not limited to numerous respected historical sources.Where do you get this data?
Bought 'The History Of Money' by Jack Weatherford
BTC is not backed by anything of real value.
I realise all to well.You fail to realise that most of the BTC is held by a few large holders and that the actual mkt for BTC is just retail flow. If any of the whale wallets wanted to cash in they would crash the mkt. They have to hodl and are trying to build enough mkt cap and volume from retail to unload there holdings. Its happened before it will happen again just like the 41 yr cycle of fiat. History rhymes. I think this GME short squeeze is the peak in retail interaction will the financial markets. And all risk assets could be in for a difficult time go forward.
You call yourself the master of coin, but you seemingly can't wait to pounce on anyone disagreeing with you, its pretty apparent. If you were a true master of ANYTHING, you would not really give a damn if someone agreed with you or not. Think about it for five seconds, before the blood rushes in.Do we live on the same planet ?
Fiat currency is NOT issued by the sovereign government.
That's why governments have to BORROW money at interest from Central Banks.
May I suggest you please educate yourself of some basic monetary facts before posting any further nonsense.
It does not reflect well on T2W when frequent posters make such elementary false statements.
By the way, the average lifespan of a fiat currency throughout the ages as you phrase it, is a mere 41 years from adoption to collapse and economic ruin (and all the war/famine/ poverty/ social unrest etc. that goes with it). If this is your interpretation of being well served then I dread to imagine what poorly served might be !!
You call yourself the master of coin, but you seemingly can't wait to pounce on anyone disagreeing with you, its pretty apparent. If you were a true master of ANYTHING, you would not really give a damn if someone agreed with you or not. Think about it for five seconds, before the blood rushes in.
Then again, I think you know that already.
You'd have thought so, but ...Labour nationalized The Bank of England in 1946 so the government do run the money