It's about time us Americans and English teamed up with the Swiss to take the Euro down a notch, it's been pumped up to such an overvalued and vulnerable position. There's hardly any point for it anyway, Europe is not like America, a 1 size fits all currency like the Euro can never maintain the position the dollar holds with its' ultimate force.
I don't think that countries as heavily in debt as the US and UK are able to teach Europe much more than it already knows about finance. Debt started as a means to enable the US to live off the backs of everyone else. The rest of the West quickly learned the lesson that was being taught. China, along with Asia, is the future stick wielder.They are the ones with all the US dollars, not the US, it seems to me. God knows how they are going to get it back but they are the creditors, not the West.You mention the Swiss! You are not in the same boat. You only have to mention teaming up with the Swiss with your reputation and you would frighten them to death.