The DJI tonight (22/09/13)

Thanks again.

What we are also intrigued by is the 'refining' of graphs out of normal trading hours and what (if any) sort of cooperation occurs between them.

We noticed that many of our 'players' were 'bumped out' of their positions through fear engendered by these out of hours numbers.

Much appreciated.

Correction of graphs is not uncommon where there has been a "false data" spike. People stopped out by such a spike will usually be re-instated, albeit that some suspect that only happens if they complain.
You're right there!

One of the other 'ideas' I had was that we on this forum occasionally when one of us notices a discrepancy across boards we could get the message up, then those that want to can decide which platform is right (with half a dozen posters on differing boards a consensus of which one is 'out' can be made) and a tidy profit made.

It's not illegal, it costs nothing and will make one of our number the occasional pot of cash.

No point in not pooling knowledge and the Boards do it 24/7, so why not us?

You're right there!

One of the other 'ideas' I had was that we on this forum occasionally when one of us notices a discrepancy across boards we could get the message up, then those that want to can decide which platform is right (with half a dozen posters on differing boards a consensus of which one is 'out' can be made) and a tidy profit made.

It's not illegal, it costs nothing and will make one of our number the occasional pot of cash.

No point in not pooling knowledge and the Boards do it 24/7, so why not us?


Even if there are discrepancies it's very unlikely you'd be able to profit from it, and if you did the SBs would soon get wise. Why not just learn how to trade instead?
Even if there are discrepancies it's very unlikely you'd be able to profit from it, and if you did the SBs would soon get wise. Why not just learn how to trade instead?

I have watched this readjustment and it appears to happen at given times.

May be they would 'get wise' but isn't that a good thing?

Greater honesty is surely an even finer goal than a quick cash return.

I can trade and I do make money, but sometimes people only learn by losing a few bob and if we can occasionally slap the Boards by taking money off them when they play fast and loose, it's all to the good?

I have watched this readjustment and it appears to happen at given times.

It's certainly true that SBs often have a bias in their price compared to the index proper and that those differences can vary fairly significantly between companies. I have not researched it but, from casual glances, those biases seem mostly to maintain for some time and therefore make no difference to trading while they are in.

It's feasible to suppose that if you want to go short you might get more bang for your buck if you trade with the SB showing the greatest bias on the upside since any readjustment (if there is one) will likely be more in your favour. What are these "given times" you mention?

All "ifs" and "buts", of course, and probably not worth the effort for a couple of points.
The largest drop we've seen in the last 6 months was 27 on the FTSE, the discrepancy rose during a the 17.30 to 19.00 hrs and stayed until the spread became 6 points and finance was charged, even that still meant 22 points profit at 22.01hrs.

12 points is quite a common event, trouble is we don't notice them all unless someone stays up to watch (we record it all and look back for this sort of thing) but if it is valueless, fine.
The largest drop we've seen in the last 6 months was 27 on the FTSE, the discrepancy rose during a the 17.30 to 19.00 hrs and stayed until the spread became 6 points and finance was charged, even that still meant 22 points profit at 22.01hrs.

12 points is quite a common event, trouble is we don't notice them all unless someone stays up to watch (we record it all and look back for this sort of thing) but if it is valueless, fine.

Sometimes they forget to make the 'fair value' adjustment, but 27 pt out on the FTSE would count as a manifest error, so you would be unlikely to make anything out of it.
Sometimes they forget to make the 'fair value' adjustment, but 27 pt out on the FTSE would count as a manifest error, so you would be unlikely to make anything out of it.

Perhaps you're right, but only perhaps.

The manner of its growth from a 2 point difference all day to the gross error was slow at first but gained momentum after the 4.30 close...

But the 'feeling' here is that after the 4.30 close the Boards wend their own merry way occasionally due to the number of positions that have to be paid when the boards are equallised.

Boards also 'appear' to damp down Eliot waves for similar reasons.
Perhaps you're right, but only perhaps.

The manner of its growth from a 2 point difference all day to the gross error was slow at first but gained momentum after the 4.30 close...

But the 'feeling' here is that after the 4.30 close the Boards wend their own merry way occasionally due to the number of positions that have to be paid when the boards are equallised.

Boards also 'appear' to damp down Eliot waves for similar reasons.

Are you talking about a difference between an SB quote and the adjusted future? They could get away with moving the goalposts slightly, but not by 20pt, and I doubt very much it would be anything to do with equalising the boards (whatever that is).

You'll have to explain the Elliot wave bit, as there never seems to be any agreement when identifying EWs, let alone see when they're being 'damped down'.