The biggest scam in history

Scam, however JFK was killed by the Cubans, revenge by Castro for the Bay of Pigs.
"According to the corporate media, "the worst is now behind us"...a familiar refrain by now. They are lying. They will continue to lie because they are crooks and liars. We may be at the end of the "crisis" but we are at the first stage of a systemic meltdown. So the first step in understanding anything is turning those idiots off, or else the fundamental systemic nature of what is happening will go right over your head and you will probably end up doing something crazy like BUY BUY BUY like the rest of the hapless, hopeless, sheepish crowd." - Craig Harris
I sometimes think its just that they haven't got a clue TWI.

The latest lie that I caught was a quote last week that Brisbane median house prices were up on a year ago and the market was buoyant. This had to be bs. So yesterday I'm reading the Australian before market open at a local coffee shop. Its the only reliable reporter of Brizzy news because its not paid for by local advertising and its pandering to people with IQs over 75. It turns out that in the first 6 months of the year prices were rising and volume was high. In the second 6 months prices fell and volume was low. In that situation, even if prices fell more, the MEDIAN price is higher. Jeez. And auction success rates last weekend dropped to 17% (from 50%+ last year) according to the Australian - clearly as buoyant as a lead balloon.

Yes, the liars seem to be trying to protect themselves. Again.
Its amazing how many stupid questions the news readers ask when interviewing 'experts'. Makes me switch over everytime. This is so f***ed up, you have to wonder who is profiting from this, and where will it end. Are we going to see a New Financial Order?
Its amazing how many stupid questions the news readers ask when interviewing 'experts'. Makes me switch over everytime. This is so f***ed up, you have to wonder who is profiting from this, and where will it end. Are we going to see a New Financial Order?

BBC yesterday - "we're not out of the woods though just yet are we?"

referring to record one day rise in FTSE100.

At no stage during yesterdays report did they mention that the rise was only due to the ban on short selling. They think public is stupid, and will forget what they were told yesterday, if they don't mention it today.
BBC yesterday - "we're not out of the woods though just yet are we?"

referring to record one day rise in FTSE100.

At no stage during yesterdays report did they mention that the rise was only due to the ban on short selling. They think public is stupid, and will forget what they were told yesterday, if they don't mention it today.

They think public is stupid, and will forget what they were told yesterday, if they don't mention it today

- that's what politicians rely on - and usually they're right.
Interesting stuff. I read a book earlier on this year called, "Maxed Out". It's about debt in America, with some references to UK debt. It's all done deliberately, to tie people in to the system. Take Mrs T (Thatcher), on one hand she brutalised and starved the miners and on the otherhand gave people the right to buy thier council homes. '...Oh i can buy my house...', very nice of Mrs T, but it ties people into the system, a mortgage is debt, and debt works as a controlling and money making system for the hiararchy. I think the governments and banks have let people hang themselves, financially speaking.
Interesting stuff. I read a book earlier on this year called, "Maxed Out". It's about debt in America, with some references to UK debt. It's all done deliberately, to tie people in to the system. Take Mrs T (Thatcher), on one hand she brutalised and starved the miners and on the otherhand gave people the right to buy thier council homes. '...Oh i can buy my house...', very nice of Mrs T, but it ties people into the system, a mortgage is debt, and debt works as a controlling and money making system for the hiararchy. I think the governments and banks have let people hang themselves, financially speaking.

Interesting points ......

Many of the people who've over-mortgaged have done it for greed. If they viewed their house as primarily somewhere to live as opposed to "easy riches" maybe it would be different. Thatcher's offer to council house tenants was, in my opinion, designed to persuade people to accept responsibility for themselves - a folorn hope in some cases.

I don't buy the " It's all done deliberately, to tie people in to the system." theory. That may be the result but it's only because people's IQ reduces to a minus quantity when they see the opportunity for a fast buck.

As for "Thatcher, on one hand she brutalised and starved the miners" - that's a very partial view IMHO. I used to live in a mining community and i wasn't aware of any law-abiding miners being brutalised or starved. I do however, acknowledge that the effect of closing the mines was devastating on morale and local traditions - but how long do you go on supporting outdated business models? (Gordo could tell us a thing or two i suspect).

I think the governments and banks have let people hang themselves, financially speaking
That's true and shows how irresponsible the politicians and authorities have been. Government's first duty is to protect its citizens - they have failed miserably. But on the other hand wiser counsels have been pointing the errors out for some time and still the punters vote them back in.

.... one of the differences between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits ....
Interesting points ......

Many of the people who've over-mortgaged have done it for greed.

That's it, banks dangle the carrot, and not just in the context of mortgages. We have credit cards, loans, car finance, store cards, catalogues etc. Nobody is saving, because nobody has to save, they can have it now.....but at a price, interest. So the banks have done away with saving in effect because they've learnt that savings actually work against them, debt works for them most of the time on a consumer level, they don't have to pay interest, they get paid the interest on what would or should have been savings for whatever the consumer would have been saving for. And to make it even easier to track they offer consolidation packages to bundle the debt and offer a little more on top.....was the plan flawed?

Are people who can't afford thier debt a problem? Are these types pretty much the same problem as criminals, benefit scroungers, illegal immigrants?

"Greed is good", just doesn't seem to have the same meaning these days.

Any thoughts?
I think the governments and banks have let people hang themselves, financially speaking

Absolutely, thats what they do. If you are a student wityh student debts, or recent graduates, banks will send you credit card junk mail on a weekly basis, as they want to tie you into the system of debt enslavement - for life.

Once you have some cash behind you & a good credit rating etc. they're no longer interested.
Once you have some cash behind you & a good credit rating etc. they're no longer interested.

That's a good point, JT. How many times have you heard about people with immaculate credit ratings being refused credit. Banks want(ed) someone who was stereotypically going to need more debt.
The mass media love a scape goat.

With HBOS it was some random city trader who apparently made £2 million short selling HBOS. His face was plastered over the front pages.
I dont even know who jim Cramer is tbh.

But i am certainly open to the theory that financial terrorism or staged market falls/rises can/do occur. If you consider that govt is by far the biggest player in the markets, it stands to reason.
The mass media love a scape goat.

With HBOS it was some random city trader who apparently made £2 million short selling HBOS. His face was plastered over the front pages.

The masses are dumb money, we are dumb money. I know where you are comming from though, JT. The masses get told it's traders who are to blame for the downside. What i want to know is who would be to blame for the upside, god, catholics, scientists....mother f*cking teressa?😀
I dont even know who jim Cramer is tbh.

But i am certainly open to the theory that financial terrorism or staged market falls/rises can/do occur. If you consider that govt is by far the biggest player in the markets, it stands to reason.

I see what you mean, i was looking at it from a view of external forces working against the US.
That's a good point, JT. How many times have you heard about people with immaculate credit ratings being refused credit. Banks want(ed) someone who was stereotypically going to need more debt.

Story on radio talk program had this lady who wanted to borrow some money for the first time and turned down.

The system had no record of her borrowing money so they deemed her a bad risk. How crazy is that. 😡
Story on radio talk program had this lady who wanted to borrow some money for the first time and turned down.

The system had no record of her borrowing money so they deemed her a bad risk. How crazy is that. 😡

Crazy to us, thinking like we think, but not crazy to the organised debt system....pure logic in that sense.