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Organise your info!

Personal Knowbase free-form information database and note organizer software -- by Bitsmith Software

This is an excellent piece of software for gathering info from different sources and making it easily retrievable through keywords and file tagging etc. Found it very useful for collecting all the good tips etc on T2W. First started using it for academic research purpose and was unable to find anything better in terms of simplicty and sophistication. I think they do a free trial - It's also a giveaway at £20.
the best forex tutorials sites

when i first started learning forex i opened an account right away at i gained money while losing at the same time. but this is a great learning experience bacause lets face it if you trade a practice account there is no emotions because thats not real money. but if you got a real money account you can practice containing your emotions at the lowest posible level because its real money so i think i suggest trading real money as soon as you got the basics not much but money youre willing to lose like say 500 or 1000 just think of it as tuition for emotion training......

when i was learning i was using which is so simple to understand...
then i discovered htpp:// to supplement it more then came other sites plus i bought a book like dummys guide to forex its really useful then its up to you to notch it up to simple economics...
well has a little basic economics guide to supplement its forex segment
but of course nothing beats a book i guess .....
The Cheapest international calls I have found...

i know you've already mentioned Skype, but I have been using it almost since day one and I gotta say that this program has saved me huge amounts of money in making international calls.

They recently added the ability to call out to landline numbers from your PC, and also the option to get a physical phone number to receive inbound calls at your PC from landlines who do not yet have skype.

Peer to peer free telephony is the future - I read somewhere that profits in a Dutch telco are down by 50% attributable largely to skype!?

Is from the moneysavingexpert website...
Utilities & Phones: International Call Checker

a follow up on runryder these free internet tutorials should boost up newbie traders out there or should i say guys thinking about trading .. for basic stocks forex and alittle bit of economics should help you out its easy to understand cos they incorporate basic illustrations

Forex Trading Online Training: Learn Foreign Exchange Currency Trading is a pure newbie forex website they offer basic stuff about forex and a good forum plus if you dont have any trade ideas in mind they provide you with ideas.

Stocks - The complete guide to understanding and buying and selling stocks has a comprehensive guide on trading stocks...

and of course try reading books nothin compares to books since i heard only a small percentage of info is on the internet.. so books are the way to go ... read a lot about economics... - The Free and Open Productivity Suite

This is a free multi platform multi application office suite, so excel style spreadsheets, word style applications - really useful if you just bought a new laptop with basic operating system and no office software.

So you can set up trading journals and slide shows to show all those profits off
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