The apprentice's Journal.


reports from yesterday on

Shares tumble as eurozone summit deal on the brink | Business |


2.06pm: Stock markets have turned negative after comments from German chancellor Angela Merkel and rumours that tomorrow's meeting of eurozone finance ministers has been cancelled. The FTSE has tumbled more than 30 points to 5515, a 0.6% fall. Spain's Ibex is down 1.1%, Portugal's PSI 1.4% and Italy's FTSE MIB 1.2%.

Merkel said Germany was opposed to a phrase in the draft EU summit document that calls for support for the continued use of 'non-standard measures' by the European Central Bank. EU sources told Reuters said the phrase referred to the ECB's purchase of bonds from countries like Italy and Spain.

2.37pm: David Gow in Brussels has just called to say the Ecofin meeting on Wednesday is "definitely off" but the EU leaders summit is still going ahead

2.41pm: The FTSE is now off 67 points, or 1%, while the Dax is down 1.1% and the CAC has tumbled 2%.

3.18pm: Our man in New York, Dominic Rushe, says:

The Senate hearing on the impact of the European debt crisis and its impact on the US is underway. Rep Gary Miller is saying 35% of US exports are to Europe. "We've already seen the impact on US stock prices," he says. "Stability is the Eurozone is very important to the

He's speaking as all the US markets are down following the decision to cancel the Ecofin meeting. The Dow is now down over 144 points, 1.22%.


:-0 Yikes!
Oh and will be looking for shorting oppotunities on the Aussie being that they say RBA will most likely drop rates this coming tuesday, especially after todays slow CPI figures.
Got burnt on my Long order, was hit then rose a couple points then bombed out big time, to which it later retraced the losses and broke out again. And what do you know i'm long again, hourly recently just broke to another new high so i jumped on the break of the previous high looking for a bit of momentum. Just hoping i'm not reading into this trade too much cause i got burnt on my limit order. Time will tell. just gonna watch a manage this trade how i see it.

- 49 pts

Long eur/usd

Entry 1.3994
Target , actively managing this one
Stop 1.3934 , nearing the bottum of the resistance zone which will now will hopefully turn into supprt



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Closed out a couple points above BE, moved about 35pts in my favour but then started to show signs of stall so i opted out for now.


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Got burnt on my Long order, was hit then rose a couple points then bombed out big time, to which it later retraced the losses and broke out again. And what do you know i'm long again, hourly recently just broke to another new high so i jumped on the break of the previous high looking for a bit of momentum. Just hoping i'm not reading into this trade too much cause i got burnt on my limit order. Time will tell. just gonna watch a manage this trade how i see it.

- 49 pts

Long eur/usd

Entry 1.3994
Target , actively managing this one
Stop 1.3934 , nearing the bottum of the resistance zone which will now will hopefully turn into supprt

3950 and 3800 seems , to me, a consolidation area, waiting for a bar to complete would have shown the fake out past 3950 and back. A buy stop under any bar closing below 3500 would have you short. But thats how I work things which is clearly not your way -so my way doesn't always work but its how I look at price. I note that price seems to be supported on/above 3950? Good luck with your thread.:)
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Thanks for your comments neil, that next hourly bar after i had exited also closed lower at around 1.3989 so i went to bed and didnt look for re-entry. Guess i should have waited it out because it end up rallying around 250 pts. Should have looked for re-entry damn it.
My fault. bit embarrassing

Next time!


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Okay. Looking for shorting opportunities on the aussie.

This is more a fundamental thing than technical with a lot of people tipping the RBA will lower rates by 25 pts, so i'm thinking this might cause some selling off especially if a lot of people decide to cover after last thursdays bullish rally. And i'm also wondering if the domestic and international grounding of australia's largest airline over the weekend might also have some sway here, hasn't been good PR for the goverment thats for sure.

Anyway, who knows yet. will wait and see if anything presents itself.



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Just got back from work..

okay now i did take this trade at (short) 1.0639, i know this post is late but i had to take the trade from my phone at work. I understand that many wont believe me, so i'm going to post a screen shot of my online broker platform showing the trade as it is live still, plus i'll also post my closed posistions statement when i eventually close out if anyone requests. Sorry i just didn't get the time to post this trade.

Oh and remember i'm only trading at 0.50c a point so don't laugh when you see the p/

Entry 1.0639
Stop 1.0696
Target, undecided hoping to hold the trade overnight until RBA rates decision.



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covered at 1.0440 for now, charts when I get home

cant do a plus symbol in my phone.
up 95pts

**EDIT** Charts with explanations on it as promised.



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Quick Aud/usd follow up,

I think i need to better define my Exits in line with better S/R. I tend to get out early. Now i do like to exit then look for re-entries if it's starting to pull back a bit, but i think if it's got a lot of momentum behind it like today i should just stick it out and play support and resistance maybe. See i potentially missed out on another 100 point move because i exits to early.



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Thanks mate, haven't got the greatest results so far, but my journal is honest. Havent done any trading this week because of work, but hopefully next week i'll have more time to put in some trades. But thanks for the feed back, really appreciate it.

Cheers AT
Alright... i'm back... with a

Possible Aus/Usd trade, Technical following into tomorrows RBA decision, wait and see, looking for a move off a 1.0200 pivot area. Probably more short bias here as Rates have been tipped to be cut. But i'll see how it plays out.


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Enter long aud/usd.

Closed up off pivot lvl, entered on continuation of previous closed bar, looking for R1 as target.

Stop 10190


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