The Apprentice - 2009

Exactly. The women are all hardened hussies displaying the warmth of lizards trapped in a snow storm, and the men are all shirt lifters who make julian clary look like Mr T.
If they are all so original and highly skilled and intelligent, why do they need to go begging to that old sid james lookalike?

LOL! If Sralan is Sid James, then I presume Nick is Tony Hancock and Margaret is Hattie Jaques! ....Adrian Chiles must be Bill Kerr...

Apologies to those too young to recognise these names...
I've been a total addict from series 1, and remain so, even though the seriousness of the show has gone down with every series. I'd never watched reality TV before, and didn't intend to watch this, but for some reason I did, and never stopped watching it.

In series 1, I think it was intended (by Sralan) as a serious business show and there was a real job at the end of it. Of course the TV wallahs had a totally different agenda all the time, but for the first series at least they had to keep Sralan sweet and on board, so it didn't go too far astray. After that it just got more and more into a histrionics fest, with the candidates chosen to make good telly (i.e. behave as badly as possible) not for their business ability.

Real job at the end of it? Well, Tim Cambell got one, sort of. Pity it was to develop a product that had already proved to be naff, and it was still naff when poor Tim had finished with it. He was a nice enough guy, but in terms of ability, I would guess only "average", not outstanding.
Then after the celebrity Apprentice he went off to work for that to$$er Alastair Cambell. I believe now he runs a training of course...teaching wannabees how to make sh!te presentations to other wannabees.

And after him, we never really heard what the winners were doing for Sralan. Well, there was the disaster that was Michelle (slim, pretty blonde chosen over mouthy, fat Brummie...who'd've guessed it?).

Well, I shall continue to watch this series of course, purely for the entertainment, but without caring very much who wins, or what they end up doing. I think this should probably be its last series though. It's getting a bit tired.
The first two series were novel, and nobody knew what to expect, so those series were more honest and genuine.

But, once somebody deconstructed it, and tried to see what the "focus groups" liked most about it, ie, the bitching, the "characters", the conflicts, the execs looked for those aspects rather than the business sides.
Those participants who have seen previous series, knew what to expect, and what to do, to be perceived as great or capable. How to behave in the Boardroom, and how to undermine their opponents.
There are hardly any examples of postitivity towards each other, no teamwork, or acknowledgement of others' abilities, lest it affect their own positions.

This week was pretty average. I wonder how much design-control the losing side had over their "box", as I cant believe any designer would have made it black, nor boxy. It had no appeal.
The other product was actually brilliant.
This week was a non-event. The right guy went.
When describing their Proj Mngrs, nobody could bring themselves to be remotely positive. That was the saddest bit.
The stock-broker guy, is pure entertainment, but will go soon. Nobody really stood out.
The quality of the contestants just gets worse every year.

How long before that junkie Amy Winewh0re figures in this glorified big brother contest?
The other product was actually brilliant.

Brilliant from a marketing point of view. Whether it was actually any good from an exercise point of view, I am not so sure about. It reminded me of the sort of tat that "Ktel" used to advertise on TV. No doubt it looked sexy and probably looked and even felt as though it was doing some good, but given that it took about five minutes to design, I have my doubts.
I saw half an hour of this dross, just so i could be sure it was worth missing. The fitness products were F'ing crap!

The sales techniques were even more amateur. A retard with a stutter, lisp and cleft pallete would have been a better salesperson.
Must admit...lost interest after series 2, suffered through bits and pieces of the last 2, completely avoided this one.

It just seems that if you keep a low profile and spue out some 'I grew up on a council estate and I done good with 3 GCSE's and a certificate for putting my knee into old grannies' every time Sralan asks you a question, you'll win the f**ker.

Quality of contestants went down every series to the point where it was just another f**king freakshow.

All these tw@ts keep going on about sales this and sales that - if any of them were actually any good at sales they'd already be earning waaaay more than 100K. A guy I know can sell: he quit his company because he thought his commissions were ****e and he should be given a bigger sales area given his record. Within a month they came crawling on their hands and knees offering him everything he wanted and a bit more besides. He does about a quarter mill per month business for them. So good at selling that he didn't even need to bother selling himself.
Just out of interest - out those who are self backed, how many operate through a business?
that toff-nob Ben, the "I had a Sandhurst scholarship" moron, is now so irritating, I cant stand hearing any more of his words, and cant wait for him to get kicked out.
In the most humiliating, and public, manner possible.

Even, S'Ralan, acknowledged the superior product of the losing team.

However, it was also obvious that Nooral, the science-teacher-cum-leader, who, in his most earnest and voice possible, believes that he is a leader, proved to be a tad indecisive, is also soon for the chop.
That estate-agent-wallah, seemed to get in a bit of a tizzy over some things. I wonder if he did this deliberately, so that if the task failed, he could jabber on about how he "knew it was going wrong", and was trying to "fix" things?
The hidden gem amongst the" we're screwed if we dont get a batch-code" and the "you want balls, I'll show you balls" hystrionics, was Lorraine, who did her best to calm things down.
When the estate-agent (who clearly is here cos he's out of a job at the moment), demanded the Cream-Puff make a decision, Lorraine tried to distract estate-agent-man by pushing a computer in front of him. And she also tried to calm things down later on. (she seemed to be the only one that recognised that there was someone else in the room; that frightened designer who was doing the work for these self-obsessed losers.)
She didnt make it obvious, in the sense she didnt give a clear direction to them to "shut-the-f@ck-up, you preening-tw@ts", and instead was indirect in her attempts to calm things.
She needs to express her level-headed-ness and maturity more.
Unfortunately, she may well be a good team-player, while the others are clearly out for themselves.

either way, I want that Ben out.
The team all standing behind Nooral was a bit suspicious though wasn't it. They were careful not to lie outright by saying he was a good leader, when he clearly couldn't lead a flock of sheep, so they just said he was nice to work with. I assume he must give good blow jobs off-camera or something.
Yippee! that self-important estate-agent Philip finally gets it in the neck!
and not before time. his big-headedness was his downfall.

Lorraine, was for me, a genuine contender early on, but she has made an enemy of the fragrant Kate, when she revealed that Kate and Philip may have had something going on between them. She also was quite patronising to Yasmina. Not good.
Lorrianes ability to alienate people has dawned on the board. She will soon be off.

But, I still want to see Ben "I once had a Sandhurst scholarship" to get sent home in a body-bag.

Its all shaping up nicely now, isnt it?
Credit crunch aside, no wonder s'ralan's fortune is sliding if this bunch are an example of modern business high flyers.
how the !"$ did the gobby cow not get fired, I feel to write a letter of complaint to Anne Robinson.

It was obvious they had decided she was going to go before the final boardroom. Blatant attempt to keep viewers by getting rid of the quiet one while keeping the more controversial candidate.

And the silly excuse given about creativity 😡 blatantly sir allen already has enough people with creative marketing skills for his sh!t, outdated, useless products already, and should be concentrating more on finding people who can sell the useless things which Mona could obviously have done.

Dont tell me he can actually see Debra working in his organisation :-0 unless he wants to annoy his current employees or has a vacancy for office biatch he had no reason to keep her.
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seperated at birth?


Most contestants on this show don't really want the job at all.

Like all good reality TV show contestants they seek the publicity to launch their true careers which are often media-based.

You're all fired: what happened to the Sugar apprentices who didn't win | Money | The Guardian

Look at the attached article and see how many of the ex-contestants list TV work in their subsequent careers.

In this respect I suppose they are only doing what Sir Allen (aka SIR Allen) himself does.

So, its 1 guy and 4 gals.
Shame about Howard, he was probably the most mature and professional on the series.
But he was deemed to be too "safe", and not risk-taking enough.

Kate may turn out to be a one-trick pony, and her demeanour in the board-room of late seems to be one of someone running scared.

James really became more of a character. S'Ralan commented him being a jester, but we saw him being witty, and his on-the-fly comments in the task showed his humour.

Lorraine is past her sell-by date. She managed to upset Kate ("dagger eyes"), so she has a talent for causing friction in teams.

Yasmina and Debra could well be the finalists.
1. Do you think the calibre of Apprentice contestants is getting worse?
1. Yes
2. No

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So, its 1 guy and 4 gals.
Shame about Howard, he was probably the most mature and professional on the series.
But he was deemed to be too "safe", and not risk-taking enough.

Kate may turn out to be a one-trick pony, and her demeanour in the board-room of late seems to be one of someone running scared.

James really became more of a character. S'Ralan commented him being a jester, but we saw him being witty, and his on-the-fly comments in the task showed his humour.

Lorraine is past her sell-by date. She managed to upset Kate ("dagger eyes"), so she has a talent for causing friction in teams.

Yasmina and Debra could well be the finalists.

Probably right about Yasmina and Debra.

However, if Kate somehow gets past those appalling interviewers (not sure I would employ any of THEM), I wonder if Sralan will fall for the pretty face and blonde hair (again ... remember the disaster that was Michelle?), and make yet another mistake.

I think James deserves to be in the final - he is the "Lee" of 2009, and I actually prefer him to Lee. (Wonder what Sralan has got Lee doing? - Dusting off old Viglens, or what?).