Cheers for sorting out the charts there, it's being an hectic few days so I'm doing this on the hop, but you see what I was talking about with my psychology of managing trades, I should have moved to break even and I'd have stayed in, Andy talks about adding to winners so my next order wads legit but has I was chasing pips I moved my first stop loss to tight, but then I think well basically if I closed it'd have been the same, but psychology tells me I need the 35pips to pull my weekly profits back and to give me that winning feeling, I struggle with that, big time it isn't the place for feelings!! I'm consigned to thinking as I be ture as a trader I'll leave these, build confidence and consent management, like say my account is just over 18months old and just over 9% down but 8% was lost in the first 3 months, now I'm recovering but that's me now as a 18month old live trader, is done 16 months on demo before hand, I give about 8% of account loses over to psycological effects of real money.
Case in point the cable is at a yearly high at the mo, so I'll log on to my demo on Sunday and slap 30k sell no stops 20:1 levage and I reckon by June I'll be banking a tidy profit, can I slap do that with my real account - no way cuz I cant risk a margin call on my live account... Why cuz iz chicken? - I don't know, should I? yes Cycles say the GBP will fall into to June and all I'll have to do is check in once in a while, do I want to? No cuz with really real money riding I'll be psychological impacted so I'll give my money to my broker over many trades through stop loses which are supposed to conserve my account... I knows me and I knows my errors but so far CC sma's are giving me a solid foundation, and a enjoyable ride, it's a good game and for me enjoyment is the key tostudied game 🙂
I studied and ive traded, pullbacks, market opens and closes, ive boxed but through out it all the ducks have kept me a float and being consistant of em all 🙂 big thanks toAndy for sharing 🙂
All two pennies welcome btw 🙂
Happy daze