
Elon Musk saved Tesla from ruin by promising self-driving cars. The problem? 700 crashes, 19 deaths and claims of a FAKED promo video. So TOM LEONARD investigates: Is his empire speeding towards disaster?
Tesla under new investigation by DOJ as feds say Elon Musk's cars lied about driving ranges and set up a 'diversion team' to cancel appointments from EV owners who complained
  • Tesla has received subpoenas over, 'personal benefits, related parties, vehicle range and personnel decisions'
  • Additional investigations claim Tesla created a secret team to suppress complaints from customers
  • Musk has struggled to explain his company's poor economic performance and said a lawsuit over a data breach could damage the company financially
Tesla's long-awaited Cybertruck is FINALLY 'on its way' to stores in North America, Elon Musk promises
First buyers will receive much-delayed vehicle on November 30
Polarizing pickup will go into full mass production next year
READ MORE: First look INSIDE Tesla's long-awaited Cybertruck
Elon Musk 'is fearful Tesla is digging its own grave with troubled Cybertruck' - as analyst says it would be cheaper to CANCEL production of the stainless steel vehicle
Tesla's controversial electric pickup truck is scheduled to launch next week, years after its initial unveiling in 2019
CEO Elon Musk has blamed production delays on the Cybertruck and said the company dug its own grave with the vehicle
Some industry experts say it would be cheaper for Tesla to scrap the car altogether
Tesla Cybertruck reservation count surpasses 2 million

Elon Musk warns Cybertruck won’t be profitable until 2025
Elon Musk shows off new video of $100,000 Tesla Cyberbeast outgunning a Porsche 911 in a drag race - while towing a 911 - and monstering an F-350 Diesel in an off-road truck pull
  • Tesla's Cybertruck's beast version, Cyberbeast, was seen beating a Porsche 911
  • The stainless steel truck was launched at a Tesla event today
  • The titanic vehicle beat the supercar, even while towing one during the race
1h chart


  • TSLAH1.png
    26 KB · Views: 32
  1. Its a doodle to knock up a Google Spreadsheet as below for any number of on the fly calculations, modeling etc.
  2. In the below example the calculation working price is $248.88 (cell A3)
  3. TSLA market price pulled from Google Finance is $188.13 (cell G3)
  4. A detail of the spreadsheet calculations is beyond the scope of this post, though for understanding of Risk FM (Free Margin @100% margin cal) 2.00% (cell L5) and Risk Mult (iple) 50 (cell H5), see post #14 >> https://www.trade2win.com/threads/tesla.239430/#post-3253461

The below image confirms clause 3 above - the live current TSLA market price (market close) pulled directly from Google Finance

  • The formula for the TSLA market price at cell G3 is, =GOOGLEFINANCE("NASDAQ:TSLA")
  • Dow Jones Industrial Average, =GOOGLEFINANCE("INDEXDJX:.DJI")
  • DAX Performance Index, =GOOGLEFINANCE("INDEXDB: DAX") note: no space between colon : and D
Note: Any exchange rate will have to utilize the correct exchange currency pair.

Currency Margins against 1 standard Lot for EUR, USD or GBP account deposit currency

Calculations: (any calculation errors should be obvious)

Exchange Rate
K3: exchange rate is parity (1:1) or EUR to EUR

  • 1,000 currency units = 0.01 (micro lot)
  • 10,000 currency units = 0.10 (mini lot)
  • 100,000 currency units = 1.00 (standard lot)
  • * = mutiply
B3: 1/500 * 100,000 = 200 ; C3: 1/400 * 100,000 = 250, etc.
B4: formula [ =B3*$K4 ], without square brackets. Calculation >> 200 x 1.07675 = USD 215.386 = USD 215. 39
Note: cell B4 can be copied to cell C4, D4, E4 etc,. for automatic insertion of calculation.
At C4 formula will be after copy/paste [ = C4*$K4 ] and at D4 [ = D4*$K4 ] .... you get the idea. Note: the $ function for $K4 and $K5.
B5: formula [ =B3*$K5 ], without square brackets. Calculation >> 200 x 0.85304 = GBP 170.608 = GBP 170.61
Note: cell B5 can be copied to cell C5, D5, E5 etc,. for automatic insertion of calculation.

All calculation can be checked with online calculator, however, the respective exchanged rate will have updated to different real-time values.
Online calculator: https://www.myfxbook.com/forex-calculators/margin-calculator/EURUSD
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Charts: TradingView

Mon 12 Feb 24 close price: $188.13

TSLA: 1 Year



Could the Tesla share price reach $345?​

Weak earnings and demands from the CEO have been causing the Tesla share price to fall this year. But could this be the low point?

Stephen Wright : Published 4 February, 8:00 am GMT
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Tesla was perhaps the first the market but competition for electric cars has already increased. Europe and China also producing equivalent cars at cheaper prices.

However, battery efficiency, life span and high costs a big deterrent for mass takeup .

The future of transport is more likely to be e-scooters or e-bikes.

Why not sell half and bank some profits and watch the other half see how it performs.

Re: your question on Tesla hitting $1000??? Maybe but not because it is such a world beating product or manufacturer, but more by means of inflation imo. Same goes for Apple a trillion $ company... I think not.

Microsoft, yes because their products are in global use and hard to substitute. In some cases there are not alternatives to their products. Phones and cars, so many models makes them easily replaceable.

Re: your question on Tesla hitting $1000??? Maybe but not because it is such a world beating product or manufacturer, but more by means of inflation imo. Same goes for Apple a trillion $ company... I think not.

Edit for above: TSLA - current close Fri 06 Jan 23 : 113.06 ...

Why not sell half and bank some profits and watch the other half see how it performs.
The OP does not claim to have bought TSLA

TSLA current, Mon 12 Feb 24 close price: $188.13
  • The selling time for TSLA buy December 22 was was, Jun-23.
  • TSLA (buy) 123.18 30-Dec-22 [ (sell) 260.54 111.51% Fri 16-Jun-23 ]
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The buzz has gone! Demand for EVs continues to decline, with average electric car sitting unsold for more than 75 days - 25% longer than a regular gas equivalent, as Ford F-150 Lightning popularity slumps
  • Consumers are now turning away from plug-in vehicles thanks to their heftier price-tags and worries about battery resilience
  • As a result, auto behemoths from Ford to Tesla in the US to Tata Motors in India have been slashing prices in a bid to boost slumping sales
  • The average electric car now sits unsold for more than 75 days - which is 25 percent longer than a regular gas equivalent, according to a JD Power survey
14 February 2024
Trading psychology directives abound but, understandably, drilling down into psychological fundamentals is beyond the scope of said directives.

Shooting with the most technological advance weapon is less likely to produce the desired results if the scope or sights are not zeroed or accurately calibrated.
Even if grouping is consistent, the target kill is not achieved.

For consideration - likewise, re trading, the life scope and sights can be off.

Transactional Analysis - Games
  • Games are “sets of ulterior transactions, repetitive in nature, with a well-defined psychological payoff.”
  • These repetitive, devious transactions are principally intended to obtain strokes*, but instead they reinforce negative feelings and self-concepts, and mask the direct expression of thoughts and emotions.
*strokes (psychological): In Transactional Analysis (TA), a stroke is defined as the fundamental unit of social recognition. It's the basic unit of acknowledgment, where one person recognizes another through verbal or non-verbal communication.

Life Games (Game categories and game lists are incomplete)
  1. Kick Me
  2. Now I've Got You, You Son Of A Bitch
  3. See What You Made Me Do
It is propositioned that trading disposition can be contaminated and dramatized with games

Cutting to the chase - trading/investing results are going to be sub par with repetitive life scripts** of payoffs of 'Kick Me' (I'm always careless and fuck up, so don't kick me - kick me), 'Now I've Got You, You Son Of A Bitch' (have you directed fuming unwarranted blamed on the market or broker for your poor trading ? If so, its a case of - now I've got you, you son of a bitch), 'See What You Made Me Do' (was doing own due diligence, but got sucked in by YouTube zillionaire trader - see what you (they) made me do), etc.

** think movie scripts where each plays part according to their script - note: real life games recruit additional players to the script - the player who wisely backs out is looked upon unfavorably

Marital Games
  1. Corner
  2. Courtroom
  3. Frigid Woman
  4. If It Weren't For You
  5. Look How Hard I've Tried
  6. Sweetheart
Party Games
  1. Ain't It Awful
  2. Why don't you - Yes But
Sexual Games
  1. Let's you and him fight
  2. Perversion
  3. Rapo
  4. The Stocking Game
  5. Uproar (let's avoid intimacy, let's have a fight and sulk alone ... later we can play 'beat me daddy' and revenge fuck [ trading contamination: reckless trading move - uproar - disengage the market in stunned isolation - re-engage, revenge fuck the market ])
Underworld Games
  1. Cops and Robbers (contamination: nice one to play with the markets - guess who's going to financial prison ?)
  2. How Do You Get Out of Here ( trading contamination: How do I get out of this trade !)
  3. Lets's Pull A fast One on Joey
Etc., etc.

Transactional Analysis in Depth
For consideration - besides above
NOTE: All information is for free educational purposes only.

Game Examples ***


Thesis. This can be seen in classic form in poker games. White gets an unbeatable hand, such as four aces. At this point, if he is a NIGYSOB player, he is more interested in the fact that Black is completely at his mercy than he is in good poker or making money.

White needed some plumbing fixtures installed, and he reviewed the costs very carefully with the plumber before giving him a go-ahead. The price was set, and it was agreed that there would be no extras. When the plumber submitted his bill, he included a few dollars extra for an unexpected valve that had to be installed—about four dollars on a four-hundred-dollar job. White became infuriated, called the plumber on the phone and demanded an explanation. The plumber would not back down. White wrote him a long letter criticizing his integrity and ethics and refused to pay the bill until the extra charge was withdrawn. The plumber finally gave in.

It soon became obvious that both White and the plumber were playing games. In the course of their negotiations, they had recognized each other's potentials. The plumber made his provocative move when he submitted this bill. Since White had the plumber's word, the plumber was clearly in the wrong. White now felt justified in venting almost unlimited rage against Him. Instead of merely negotiating in a dignified way that befit the Adult standards he set for himself, perhaps with a little innocent annoyance, White took the opportunity to make extensive criticisms of the plumber's whole way of living. On the surface their argument was Adult to Adult, a legitimate business dispute over a stated sum of money. At the psychological level it was Parent to Adult: White was exploiting his trivial but socially defensible objection (position) to vent the pent-up furies of many years on his cozening opponent, just as his mother might have done in a similar situation. He quickly recognized his underlying attitude (NIGYSOB) and realized how secretly delighted he had been at the plumber's provocation. He then recalled that ever since early childhood he had looked for similar injustices, received them with delight and exploited them with the same vigor. In many of the cases he recounted, he had forgotten the actual provocation, but remembered in great detail the course of the ensuing battle. The plumber, apparently, was playing some variation of "Why Does This Always Happen to Me?" (WAHM).

NIGYSOB is a two-handed game which must be distinguished from "Ain't It Awful?" (AIA). In AIA the agent seeks injustices in order to complain about them to a third party, making a three handed game: Aggressor, Victim, Confidant. AIA is played under the slogan "Misery Loves Company." The confidant is usually someone who also plays AIA. WAHM is three-handed, too, but here the agent is trying to establish his pre-eminence in misfortune and resents competition from other unfortunates. NIGYSOB is commercialized in a three-handed professional form as the "badger game." It may also be played as a two-handed marital game in more or less subtle forms.

Antithesis. The best antithesis is correct behavior. The contractual structure of a relationship with a NIGYSOB player should be explicitly stated in detail at the first opportunity, and the rules strictly adhered to. In clinical practice, for example, the question of payment for missed appointments or cancellations must be settled clearly at once, and extra precautions must be taken to avoid mistakes in bookkeeping. If an unforeseen contretemps arises, the antithesis is to yield gracefully without dispute, until such time as the therapist is prepared to deal with the game. In everyday life, business dealings with NIGYSOB players are always calculated risks. The wife of such a person should be treated with polite correctness, and even the mildest flirtations, gallantries or slights should be avoided, especially if the husband himself seems to encourage them.

2. Game - RAPO

Thesis. This is a game played between a man and a woman which might more politely be called, in
the milder forms at least, "Kiss Off" or "Indignation." It may be played with varying degrees of

1. First-Degree "Rapo," or "Kiss Off," is popular at social gatherings and consists essentially of
mild flirtation. White signals that she is available and gets her pleasure from the man's pursuit. As
soon as he has committed himself, the game is over. If she is polite, she may say quite frankly "I
appreciate your compliments and thank you very much," and move on to the next conquest. If she
is less generous, she may simply leave him. A skillful player can make this game last for a long
time at a large social gathering by moving around frequently, so that the man has to carry out
complicated maneuvers in order to follow her without being too obvious.

2. In Second-Degree "Rapo," or "Indignation," White gets only secondary satisfaction from Black's
advances. Her primary gratification comes from rejecting him, so that this game is also colloquially
known as "Buzz Off, Buster." She leads Black into a much more serious commitment than the mild
flirtation of First-Degree "Rapo" and enjoys watching his discomfiture when she repulses him.
Black, of course, is not as helpless as he seems, and may have gone to considerable trouble to get
himself involved. Usually he is playing some variation of "Kick Me."

3. Third-Degree "Rapo" is a vicious game which ends in murder, suicide or the courtroom. Here
White leads Black into compromising physical contact and then claims that he has made a criminal
assault or has done her irreparable damage. In its most cynical form White may actually allow him
to complete the sexual act so that she gets that enjoyment before confronting him. The
confrontation may be immediate, as in the illegitimate cry of rape, or it may be long delayed, as in
suicide or homicide following a prolonged love affair. If she chooses to play it as a criminal assault,
she may have no difficulty in finding mercenary or morbidly interested allies, such as the press, the
police, counselors and relatives. Sometimes, however, these outsiders may cynically turn on her, so
that she loses the initiative and becomes a tool in their games.

In some cases outsiders perform a different function.
They force the game on an unwilling White because they want to play "Let's You and Him Fight."
They put her in such a position that in order to save her face or her reputation she has to cry rape.
This is particularly apt to happen with girls under the legal age of consent; they may be quite
willing to continue a liaison, but because it is discovered or made an issue of, they feel constrained
to turn the romance into a game of Third-Degree "Rapo."

In one well-known situation, the wary Joseph refused to be inveigled into a game of "Rapo,"
whereupon Potiphar's wife made the classical switch into "Let's You and Him Fight," an excellent
example of the way a hard player reacts to antithesis, and of the dangers that beset people who
refuse to play games, These two games are combined in the well-known "Badger Game," in which
the woman seduces Black and then cries rape, at which point her husband takes charge and abuses
Black for purposes of blackmail.

The childhood prototype of "Rapo" is the same as that of "Frigid Woman," in which the little girl
induces the boy to humiliate himself or get dirty and then sneers at him, as classically described by
Maugham in Of Hitman Bondage and, as already noted, by Dickens in Great Expectations. This is
Second Degree. A harder form, approaching Third Degree, may be played in tough neighborhoods.

Antithesis. The man's ability to avoid becoming involved in this game or to keep it under control
depends on his capacity to distinguish genuine expressions of feeling from moves in the game. If he
is thus able to exert social control, he may obtain a great deal of pleasure from the mild flirtations
of "Kiss Off." On the other hand it is difficult to conceive of a safe antithesis for the Potiphar's
Wife maneuver, other than checking out before closing time with no forwarding address. In 1938
the writer met an aging Joseph in Aleppo who had checked out of Constantinople thirty-two years
previously, after one of the Sultan's ladies had cornered him during a business visit to the Yildiz
harem. He had to abandon his shop, but took time to pick up his hoard of gold francs, and had
never returned.

Relatives. The male versions of "Rapo" are notoriously found in commercial situations: "Casting
Couch" (and then she didn't get the part) and "Cuddle Up" (and then she got fired).
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Concluding Remarks

Traders and the Game of Cops and Robbers

Re: referenced Transactional Analysis - Games and The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®)

No psychological theory can be considered the be-all and end-all of theories, as each theory offers a unique perspective and set of tools for understanding human behavior and mental processes. Psychology is a complex and multifaceted field, and no single theory can fully capture the richness and diversity of human experience. Instead, each theory provides valuable insights and approaches that can be used in combination with other theories to create a more comprehensive understanding of psychological phenomena. By recognizing the limitations and strengths of each theory, psychologists can employ a range of tools and perspectives to better address the complexities of human behavior and cognition. Therefore, it is important to view psychological theories as complementary rather than competing, allowing for a more holistic and nuanced understanding of the human mind and behavior.

The video in previous post provides an abridged summary of games and is incomplete and inadequate for working understanding.

The following comment is indicative of inadequate insight and understanding - 'I feel this is outdated and obviously yes the model of Egos is a great model but all these specific games like for instance the one about the prisoner liking to get caught… ummm im pretty sure any prisoner who try’s to escape wants to escape what??? Also......

The full descriptive of the game Cops and Robbers delineates - ' There seem to be two distinctive types of habitual criminals: those who are in crime primarily for profit, and those who are in it primarily for the game - with a large group in between who can handle it either way.
  • The "compulsive winner," the big money-maker whose Child really does not want to be caught, rarely is, according to reports; he is an untouchable, for whom the fix is always in. *
  • The "compulsive loser," on the other hand, who is playing "Cops and Robbers" (C&R), seldom does very well financially.
* If a gang member shows too much interest in the game, to the point of jeopardizing the job, and particularly if his need to be caught begins to show, they (other gang members) will take drastic measures to prevent a recurrence.

The above two bullet point are reminiscent of the challenges facing traders.
The Game of Cops and Robbers includes gambling overtones; again, reminiscent of the challenges facing traders.

Further, it is conceivable that the game of C & R, and variants, are not necessary limited to penal environments. Free society offers any number of scenarios and opportunities for games of C & P. The couple habitually sloppy with their finances and dependent of the financial prison of Mom & Pop Bank, with mom and pop playing simultaneous or competing roles of rescuer/advocate and financial cop/warden; though, additional roles of good cop-bad cop may be included. Once financially imprisoned, a follow-on game of 'How Do I (We) Get Out Of Here' may ensure. A similar scenario can be envisioned between reckless trader sloppy with the family finances and wife playing role of the ever watchful cop. The ensuring marital spouse-to-spouse penalisations or incarcerations are limited only by imagination.

Differentiation between a Procedure and Game.


A procedure is a series of simple complementary Adult transactions directed toward the manipulation of reality. Reality is defined as having two aspects: static and dynamic.
  • Static reality comprises all the possible arrangements of matter in the universe. Arithmetic, for example, consists of statements about static reality.
  • Dynamic reality may be defined as the potentialities for interaction of all the energy systems in the universe. Chemistry, for example, consists of statements about dynamic reality.
Procedures are based on data processing and probability estimates concerning the material of reality, and reach their highest development in professional techniques. Piloting an airplane and removing an appendix are procedures. Psychotherapy is a procedure insofar as it is under the control of the therapist's Adult, and it is not a procedure insofar as his Parent or Child takes over the executive. The programming of a procedure is determined by the material, on the basis of estimates made by the agent's Adult.

Two variables are used in evaluating procedures.
A procedure is said to be efficient when the agent makes the best possible use of the data and experience available to him, regardless of any deficiencies that may exist in his knowledge. If the Parent or the Child interferes with the Adult's data processing, the procedure becomes 'contaminated' and will be less efficient. The effectiveness of a procedure is judged by the actual results. Thus
  • efficiency is a psychological criterion and
  • effectiveness is a material one.
A GAME is an ongoing series of complementary ulterior transactions progressing to a well-defined, predictable outcome. Descriptively it is a recurring set of transactions, often repetitious, superficially plausible, with a concealed motivation; or, more colloquially, a series of moves with a snare, or "gimmick." Games are clearly differentiated from procedures (as define above), rituals (Hello, in a rush - Hello, see ya), and pastimes (shooting the breeze, inconsequential chatter, 'wardrobe', 'general motors', 'shopping list') by two chief characteristics:
  • (I) their ulterior quality and
  • (2) the payoff.
Procedures may be successful, rituals effective, and pastimes profitable, but all of them are by definition candid; they may involve contest, but not conflict, and the ending may be sensational, but it is not dramatic. Every game, on the other hand, is basically dishonest, and the outcome has a dramatic, as distinct from merely exciting, quality.

Game - Cops And Robbers :
Transactional Analysis - Games People Play - The Psychology of Human Relationships : Eric Berne

Thesis. Because many criminals are cop-haters, they seem to get as much satisfaction from outwitting the police as from their criminal gains, often more. Their crimes, at the Adult level, are games played for the material rewards, the take; but at the Child level it is the thrill of the chase: the getaway and the cool-off.

Curiously enough, the childhood prototype of "Cops and Robbers" is not cops and robbers but hide- and-seek, in which the essential element is the chagrin of being found. Younger children readily betray this. If father finds them too easily, the chagrin is there without much fun. But father, if he is a good player, knows what to do; he holds off, whereupon the little boy gives him a clue by calling out, dropping something or banging. Thus he forces father to find him, but still shows chagrin; this time he has had more fun because of the increased suspense. If father gives up, the boy usually feels disappointed rather than victorious. Since the fun of being hidden was there, evidently that is not where the trouble lies, What he is disappointed about is not being caught. When his turn comes to hide, father knows he is not supposed to outwit the little boy for very long, just enough to make it fun; and he is wise enough to look chagrined when he is caught. It soon becomes clear that being found is the necessary payoff.

Hence hide-and-seek is not a mere pastime but a true game At the social level it is a battle of wits, and is most satisfying when the Adult of each player does his best; at the psychological level, however, it is set up like compulsive gambling, in which White's Adult has to lose in order for his Child to win. Not being caught is actually the antithesis. Among older children, one who finds an insoluble hiding place is regarded as not being a good sport, since he has spoiled the game, He has eliminated the Child element and turned the whole thing into an Adult procedure. He is no longer playing for fun. He is in the same class as the owner of a casino, or some professional criminals, who are really out for money rather than sport.

There seem to be two distinctive types of habitual criminals: those who are in crime primarily for profit, and those who are in it primarily for the game—with a large group in between who can handle it either way. The "compulsive winner," the big money-maker whose Child really does not want to be caught, rarely is, according to reports; he is an untouchable, for whom the fix is always in. The "compulsive loser," on the other hand, who is playing "Cops and Robbers" (C&R), seldom does very well financially. The exceptions to this often seem to be due to luck rather than skill; in the long run even the lucky ones usually end up as their Child requires, squawking rather than riding high.

The C&R player, with whom we are concerned here, in some ways resembles, the Alcoholic. He can shift roles from Robber to Cop and from Cop to Robber. In some cases he may play the Parental Cop during the day and the Child Robber after dark. There is a Cop in many Robbers, and a Robber in many Cops. If the criminal "reforms," he may play the role of Rescuer, becoming a social worker or a mission worker; but the Rescuer is Far less important in this game than in "Alcoholic." Ordinarily, however, the player's role as Robber is his destiny, and each has his own modus operandi for getting caught. He may make it tough or easy for the Cops.

The situation is similar with gamblers. At the social or sociological level a "professional" gambler is one whose chief interest in life is gambling. But at the psychological level there are two different kinds of people who are professional gamblers. There are those who spend their time gaming, i.e., playing with Fate, in whom the strength of the Adult's desire to win is exceeded only by the strength of the Child's need to lose. Then there are those who run gambling houses and actually do earn a living, usually a very good one, by providing opportunities for gamesters to play; they themselves are not playing, and try to avoid playing, although occasionally under certain conditions they will indulge themselves and enjoy it, just as a straight criminal may occasionally play a game of C&R,

This throws light on why sociological and psychological studies of criminals have been generally ambiguous and unproductive: they are dealing with two different kinds of people who cannot be adequately differentiated in the ordinary theoretical or empirical frameworks. The same is true in studying gamblers. Transactional and game analyses offer an immediate solution for this. They remove the ambiguity by distinguishing transactionally, below the social level, between "players" and "straight professionals."

Let us now turn from this general thesis to consider specific examples. Some burglars do their jobs without any waste motion. The "Cops and Robbers" burglar leaves his calling card in gratuitous acts of vandalism, such as spoiling valuable clothing with secretions and excretions. The straight bank robber, according to reports, takes every possible precaution to avoid violence; the C&R bank robber is only looking for an excuse to vent his anger. Like any professional, a straight criminal likes his jobs to be as clean as circumstances permit. The C&R criminal is compelled to blow off steam in the course of his work. The true professional is said never to operate until the fix is in; the player is willing to take on the law barehanded. Straight professionals are well aware, in their own way, of the game of C&R. If a gang member shows too much interest in the game, to the point of jeopardizing the job, and particularly if his need to be caught begins to show, they will take drastic measures to prevent a recurrence. Perhaps it is just because straight professionals are not playing C&R that they are so seldom caught, and hence so rarely studied sociologically, psychologically and psychiatrically; and this also applies to gamblers. Hence most of our clinical knowledge about criminals and gamblers refers to players rather than to straight professionals.

Kleptomaniacs (as opposed to professional shoplifters) are examples of how widely trivial C&R is played. It is probable that a very large percentage of Occidentals, at least, have played C&R in fantasy, and that is what sells newspapers in our half of the world. This fantasy frequently occurs in the form of dreaming up the "perfect murder," which is playing the hardest possible game and completely outwitting the cops.

Variations of C&R are "Auditors and Robbers," played by embezzlers with the same rules and the same payoff; Customs and Robbers," played by smugglers; etc. Of special interest is the criminal variation of "Courtroom." Despite all his precautions, the professional may occasionally be arrested and brought to trial. For him "Courtroom" is a procedure, which he carries out according to the instructions of his legal advisers. For the lawyers, if they are compulsive winners, "Courtroom" is essentially a game played with the jury in which the object is to win, not lose, and this is regarded as a constructive game by a large segment of society.

Antithesis. This is the concern of qualified criminologists rather than psychiatrists. The police and judiciary apparatus are not antithetical, but are playing their roles in the game under the rules set up by society.
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Cali's white gold mine: Lithium reservoir in Imperial Valley worth staggering $540bn could launch US to battery dominance... but it's run by an AUSTRALIAN energy firm
  • Energy firm from Brisbane has been developing the lithium project since 2016
  • The Australian geothermal energy group later 'redomiciled' becoming a US firm
  • MORE: Lithium reservoir found in supervolcano McDermitt Caldera