PnL (pts): 73.08843359
POT: 0.157179427
NoOfBets: 465
Actual PnL: £10,228.88
Took just over 3 months to complete. Hopefully this has proved with lots of hard work, discipline and research etc it is possible to make a very good return from sport betting. The caveat being that it is often said that only 1% of bettors win overall (my only source being forums so likely not accurate)? A figure perhaps similar to number of people managing to make trading pay? Comparing the return to my venture into stock investment ( the return via sportsbetting seems far superior (much riskier though)...Sample size too small as I have only got just over a month's results for my ISA however... there maybe a small number of stock investors who make fantastic returns it seems doubtful considering the vast majority of funds underperform the major indexes. Even looking at Warren Buffet's track record, since taking control of Berkshire 40 years ago, has delivered compound annual return of 22% ( 22% is massive but unfortunately the turnover is yearly whereas with betting it is with number of bets so a 22% ROI could go a lot further!...I am sure someone will point out that a smaller player should be able to beat the major funds due to not having problems getting decent stock prices (less money requiring matching). This is a fair point but I must admit to not having coming across documented gains from smaller players?
Anyway I prefer not to have all my eggs in one basket hence always looking for different angles to make it pay.