PcIndia you have answered all our prayers to the God of Lulz (for toady anyway!) and for that we thank you.
... If your name were Lulzy McLulz of Lulz House, Lulztown, Lulzville this thread couldn't be better. Let Lulz rign down or the heavens fall, let there be Lulz, Lulz innit, Lulz almightttttttty ,! Let there be Lulz, In-Lulz-shallah, On the 7th day he rested-got bored and created Lulz...for what is life without Lulz, Lulz giveth but never taketh away, This is not a Lulz free zone, Please fasten your seatbelts you are entering Lulzville, Lulz Lulz, Lulz.