Ten days , $10K to $10 M, world record?

Where's that 50,000 a week thread that I was on last night? I told the guy to post a photo of himself with his software. Did it get deleted? Maybe he will read this and post his photo here.
Same goes for you pcindia. Post a photo of yourself holding your spreadsheet to prove you are genuine. For all I know you could by lying (no offence intended)
@Pboyles, Its real. Sure I'll do some photo and all but let some more people write in first.
windup thread


  • lulz101.GIF
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OK everyone, please support my request for pcindia to post a photo of himself holding his spreadsheet so we know he is genuine.
This is what t2w wanted, and this is what they got. Thank you pcindia
@The Hare, Thanks!

@Peter, You dont need to when you are ' TRYING' to trade.
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PcIndia you have answered all our prayers to the God of Lulz (for toady anyway!) and for that we thank you.

... If your name were Lulzy McLulz of Lulz House, Lulztown, Lulzville this thread couldn't be better. Let Lulz rign down or the heavens fall, let there be Lulz, Lulz innit, Lulz almightttttttty ,! Let there be Lulz, In-Lulz-shallah, On the 7th day he rested-got bored and created Lulz...for what is life without Lulz, Lulz giveth but never taketh away, This is not a Lulz free zone, Please fasten your seatbelts you are entering Lulzville, Lulz Lulz, Lulz.


Shut up and post some charts in your thread so I can rag on your cable levels.
@BBmac, if you'r done with lulz, go to the God of Manners and ask for some.

@ Scose, is that for me or BBmac?

(An intelligent person will only try to know my trading more, a fool will ridicule even the God )
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wow... really..... i defo want to see this guys live calls....i feel abit sarcy coming along lol.....

pcindia, please state live calls for us so we can follow you, after all, someone that can do what you just did, is a leader and needs to be followed.... lord flasheart is an evil dictator of t2w and we need someone to come and rescue us from his evil grip...
@Lightning Mcqueen, your comments are as exciting as my trades.

@Robster, I see people are starting to google my name. Looks like I am going to be the 'Keyword' soon.
Of course when people google Prashant Chandola or odesk and see this thread it might not be good for business.
