Technical Analysis Day Trading


Legendary member
Free charts

For any of you that are wondering how and when to enter trades, please vist the chat room during the day or in the evening- go first to #trade2win, and then I'll switch you into #trade2win-ta- the technical analysis dedicated room.
I can provide you with an (almost) immediate reference chart real time, or End of Day, posted onto the bb, customised especially for you , showing your favourite indicators.Itcan also email it directly to you if you want.
If by any chance you do not get a response from me( I'm not available 100% of the time)ask one of the op's on the bb to page me. They are the guys( and gals) with an "@" in front of their name.
I'm allways in the chat room,from about 9 am onwards,but not allways "live".

Hi Sukhi

Once you're in the #trade2win chat room, you need to type the following:
/join #trade2win-TA
and you will be in both rooms - click between the two at the top of the screen, or resize your windows so that you can see the two rooms side-by-side.
Does anyone know of a post that uses the ichimoku cloud? I would like to find a mentor using that indicator.