My explanation of TA, which I use without FA, is like a 50 year old car that frequently breaks down and can never be improved to stop that happening.
When everything is going fine it gets me to my destination.
Most of the time it doesn't - something goes wrong. A lead comes loose, there's dirt in the carb, the dynamo isn't charging the battery, the voltage regulator is sticking etc etc. So I cut the journey.
It doesn't matter a bit.
I have used TA and nothing else for years and firmly believe that it only works less than 50% of the time. More like 30-40% as a generalisation.
TA is an old car which you have to nurse. It can start a journey ok and then let you down more often that not.
So what's the key to success ?
First accept that you will be stopped out more often than not and learn to live with that forever. It must become part of the routine.
It's not a failure in you or the TA, it's just the way it is.
You have to accept that and learn how to deal with it.
Every time you are stopped out is a success, a positive thing.
Applaud yourself for doing it and move on to the next trade.
If you can't do that, forget the whole thing and do something else.
When you get into a good trade you have to learn how to manage it. It's a moving feast. You must learn how to get a high ratio of reward/risk in your favour regarding initial stoploss and exit point. The TA helps you do this, not just by getting you in in the first place, but by giving you an unfolding scenario which you have to manage as it goes along.
Be patient. Bigger wins take longer to happen. Charts don't move in a straight line. You need to play them out, otherwise your small wins will disappear under a pile of small losses simply because of the low reliability.
If you can't find and operate a system which gives you 2, 3 or 4 10-point losses for every 100 point gain, then in my opinion you are doomed to fail. There may be a few exceptions to this, but if so, I think they just got into a strong market for a while.
If TA was as reliable as many would prefer, then these internet Boards would be empty because everyone would be raking in the lolly and not bothering to chat.
Life is just not that simple.
Can you imagine yourself saying "Yeah I get stopped out maybe 3 times for every good winner. Just bought a McClaren F1" ?
Way to go, bro, imo.