Teach Me To Trade Seminar



I recently attended a 'Teach me to Trade' two hour seminar with a view to signing up for their three day training course.

Has anybody actually completed one of their training sessions? and how would you rate them?

I was reasonably impressed with the two hour session but that was basically a sales pitch and I haven't parted with any cash as yet!

Regs etc
Treat the whole enterprise with a Suspicious Mind.
To learn trading in just 3 days? You Should be So Lucky. (so lucky, lucky, lucky)

how often do they run these seminars?
how many students per course? (do the maths how much they are making from training. if its too much, why bother actually trading?)
how many of their students are still trading after 12 months?
what is the back-up/support like?
have you entered "teach me to trade" followed by "scam" or "legal" into google? (just to see if there are any disgruntled ex-students who think they were ripped off? )
do a "companies house" search and see how long they have been going?
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I recently attended a 'Teach me to Trade' two hour seminar with a view to signing up for their three day training course.

Has anybody actually completed one of their training sessions? and how would you rate them?

I was reasonably impressed with the two hour session but that was basically a sales pitch and I haven't parted with any cash as yet!

Regs etc
Only "reasonably" impressed ? Their sales technique must be failing.

Why did it last 2 hours ? Did it take 2 hours to present you with loads of free useful training material ? If so how many useful points could you take away with you ? How many useful points could you find by just reading T2W for 2 hours ?

The reason it lasts 2 hours is because they have to work on your psychology. The repeated promises need time to become embedded in your psyche. The audience needs to be hyped up. It's the same technique and the same reason why timeshare salesmen used to grab their audience for extended periods.

Look at this link:

Russ Whitney's "Teach Me To Trade"

Save your cash, take your time, put some work into learning properly

Apparently the highlight is Elvis performing a dance routine with Danni and Kylie - can't wait.