I found the following on Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs website (apologies if already posted elsewhere):
(Trade: exceptions & alternatives: contents)
the 2 articles you will want to read are:
(Trade: exceptions & alternatives: betting and gambling: the professional gambler)
(Trade: exceptions & alternatives: betting and gambling: spread betting)
To quote the second: "
To be taxable, the spread betting wins must come not merely from an opportunity presented by a trade, they must arise from the carrying on of that trade. Whether or not a particular spread bet is taxable will depend on the terms of the contract and the
economic substance of what is done."
What is your interpretation on that?
My interpretation is that if as part of your job you have to make Spreadbets and you win, then those winnings are taxable. If you have no job, or your 'job' is full time Spreadbetting, any winnings cannot be taxed as you are at most addicted to gambling as per the first article. (Maybe you should attend Gamblers Anonymous? :cheesy: )
I'd be very much interesting in knowing your thoughts!