Talking Dirty

'Real life situations' require someone to keep the peace because humans are by nature quarrellsome 😉
You are correct, Racer. But, don't you think we all have a part to play, if any one of us is serious about T2W. Don't just leave it up to the mods.
The problem, of course, is not so much that people like ****,**** (the choice of names should be a clue here), **** et al don't understand that their "socializing" behavior is inappropriate, but that they seem not to have the slightest idea what the appropriate behavior might be. Which is why somebody has to explain to them how to behave in public. Which job, unfortunately, falls to the moderators.

Perhaps experience as a teacher in an Infant School (kindergarten in the States) would be of use . . .
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We are here to learn.

.... not spend time fighting and behaving like spoilt brats in the playground.

Knowledge is a wonderful thing, life is far more pleasant and enjoyable if we respect others and listen.
Racer said:
'Real life situations' require someone to keep the peace because humans are by nature quarrellsome 😉

By Choice? or Ignorance? not so sure on the nature... its in everyone to choose positive over negative, just takes time,education,vision, for them to get to that point maybe. Its a behavioural thing, much has been already written, but I side on nurture at this point.
I'll still be here going strong whatever they do or say and will out stay them all

Of course you will MrC. One wonders (rhetorically) how the punters would manage without you or how you would manage without the punters.


Well done. Don't be deflected.
dbphoenix said:
The problem, of course, is not so much that people like ****,**** (the choice of names should be a clue here), **** et al don't understand that their "socializing" behavior is inappropriate, but that they seem not to have the slightest idea what the appropriate behavior might be. Which is why somebody has to explain to them how to behave in public. Which job, unfortunately, falls to the moderators.

Perhaps experience as a teacher in an Infant School (kindergarten in the States) would be of use . . .

I had not read your comments when I posted mine after yours, but yes some people, not referring to anyone in particular here, do not know how to behave and the internet allows people to behave in a much less self controlled manner because they can hide behind a mask.
fxmarkets said:
By Choice? or Ignorance? not so sure on the nature... its in everyone to choose positive over negative, just takes time,education,vision, for them to get to that point maybe. Its a behavioural thing, much has been already written, but I side on nurture at this point.

I don't know how it is over there, but parents and teachers over here pretty much gave up on teaching children how to behave around forty years ago. The payoff began in the eighties. And now we have the next generation.

I'd wonder what's next, but something tells me not to think about it . . .
Racer said:
I had not read your comments when I posted mine after yours, but yes some people, not referring to anyone in particular here, do not know how to behave and the internet allows people to behave in a much less self controlled manner because they can hide behind a mask.

Lots of rage in this world . . .
hmm, as my teenage step daughters boyfriend quoted on the inside of a rizla packet....

" I life worth living is one guided by love in pursuit of knowledge"

But with this site, its commercial, not sure if the balance can be maintained between acceptable discussion/behaviour without shutting out lots of potentials who will spend money with sponsors and the such. Its a toughie on that one as I see it.....
OK gents. Now we've all had our say what next? A flat market? People having to conform? Some people on here just don't realise that to understand one side of the arguement, you have got to understand the other. There is one type of person i can't stand in this world.....the person who wants it all thier own way. I may seem very oppinionated to some, but i'm not so arrogant, childish and oppinionated that i have to go running and crying to the mods every time someone bad mouths me or disagrees with me. I like to think i can handle most situations life throws at me. I'm not spineless.
Hi rudie, I see your point mate, but as members would should respect the membership rules, (even if these are not a part of a persons usual social behaviour routine)

Having a difference of views is ok, nothing to fear from genuinely challenging a point to aid learning ,gain understanding and i'm pretty sure everyone is capable of chosing that behaviour in a sensible way. (if they dont choose it, then consequences, membership at risk? not worth it for some, some not bothered,well no problem just ban them)

With your point about the person who wants it their own way..... I say go for it, have it the way you want it, dont live a life by someone elses values or ways, but know that consequences of each individuals behaviour happens.

I know that if i speak/live a certain way, a certain response is likely to result , we all do to a degree, some are very skilled at it always aware of it, and they would choose peace over war, love over hate, positive over negative. because they are peaceful,loving and positive.

then some people choose the opposite, some through ignorance, or lack of respect for themselves, which means how can they have respect for other humans if they dont even have respect themselves?

But sometimes maybe we have to be everything we are not in order to be all that we are.
dbphoenix said:
I don't know how it is over there, but parents and teachers over here pretty much gave up on teaching children how to behave around forty years ago. The payoff began in the eighties. And now we have the next generation.

I'd wonder what's next, but something tells me not to think about it . . .

hmmm, I thought briefly on it and I think looking in a positive way, it will set them back about 10/20 years, but a gradual dilution of values where will it lead, maybe its a blip, i mean weve been a lot worse not so long ago in human history... I dunno ,I probably need to get to 3 Pint philosophy to attain the answers to this one 🙂
There seems to be a general disillusionment because allegedly there is not much worthwhile content at T2W; this concern is somehow tied in with a correlation to the few who have been banned or who have upset a few members.

Good content has no correlation to how members deliver their views or comments whether done tediously, with half-literacy, with 'you-need-a-smash-in-the-face' pomposity or comprehensively or thoughtfully or in other way. If the content is not good enough it reflects the best input the membership can muster.

I'm not a critic of T2W content. Noobies and learners want to find out things. But moving all the way through the spectrum to those that may know a lot, they probably do not make a killing in the markets. All of that means there is an automatic ceiling on the value of input.

So in summary, debate and comment about content should free itself for open unfettered discussion if that is the real concern.
For the members who have not already guessed, or are a bit slow, i'm not into this eutopian theory of life. I prefer the 'you deal with what you get' theory. Maybe this site is not for people like myself, i don't know. But the constant whinging certainly turns my stomach. This site is starting to turn for the worst, in my own opinion, it's starting to become a 'spare bedroom' site. Believe you me, get rid of the people who are suggested, the arguing will go on, it will manifest itself again and again. So the people who are moaning need to think about what they are going to be left with. Will it ever be perfect for them? I think not, and i am sure the creators of this site would not want to be left with a handful of moaners. Once a moaner, always a moaner! Nothing is ever good enough for them.
Search4Truth said:
There seems to be a view amongst some members that any attempt to question anything should result in the banning of the said challenger. This is more prevalent in those who post as a way of attracting new business. It is also interesting that these same people who have private boards where they will never be challenged still do a lot of posting in the public forum and the question has to be asked why?

Seems to be an inconsistency between your post and your login name.

But your thinly-veiled reference to Richard aside, first, there is a difference between being challenged and attacked. Second, one's right to free speech is not abrogated by choosing to have a private board (though that right is abridged by the site guidelines and by common standards of adult behavior).

As for the commercial contingent in general, the Knowledge Lab would be considerably emptier if all those with a "commercial interest" were to vacate the premises, and, as with other websites, even more of the blind would be assuming the mantle of leadership.
How does disgreeing with a member's view of technical analysis ever justify emailing or PMing them to say their wife is a whore?
I'm perplexed, to put it mildly, that some of you think it's okay to do this - would one of you enlighten me as to how it advances your argument? I'm dead against people being banned for arguing with somebody who seems (note, seems) to be protected, which annoys the hell out of me too, but that sure doesn't excuse personal attacks. Call someone an idiot maybe!
Search4Truth said:
There seems to be a view amongst some members that any attempt to question anything should result in the banning of the said challenger. This is more prevalent in those who post as a way of attracting new business. It is also interesting that these same people who have private boards where they will never be challenged still do a lot of posting in the public forum and the question has to be asked why?

Let's face it Trade2win has been a marvellous free advertising opportunity for the surreptitious and commercially minded and now the advertisers are complaining that they dont always get their own way. There is no doubt at all that those who have made a nice packet using Trade2win as a basis for attracting new business will always continue to post in the public forum because if they stop they will start to lose out on commercial opportunities. This will happen regardless of any level of challenge that these people perceive they are getting because where money is concerned so called "principles" will go straight out of the window.

Moderating is a thankless task and is to be commended for anyone who takes up this mantle. As we are all human then there will always be a difference of interpretation and this can be seen as inconsistent which is unlikely to change regardless of new policies or procedures.

As for mud slinging well this whole thread looks like an attempt to throw it at the moderators in an attempt to get them to conform to the views of those who stand to gain most by never being challenged on anything.

Hear Hear!!
DaveJB said:
How does disgreeing with a member's view of technical analysis ever justify emailing or PMing them to say their wife is a whore?
I'm perplexed, to put it mildly, that some of you think it's okay to do this - would one of you enlighten me as to how it advances your argument? I'm dead against people being banned for arguing with somebody who seems (note, seems) to be protected, which annoys the hell out of me too, but that sure doesn't excuse personal attacks. Call someone an idiot maybe!
Hear Hear!!
It should be fairly obvious, but if anyone does receive a threatening or aggressive pm or email via this website - then forward is to me or the mods (email - [email protected]) - and the perpetrator will be dealt with in exactly the same way as if they had posted it publically on the website. We don't descriminate between the boards and private messages of communication - the site guidelines apply regardless.