Talking Dirty

dbphoenix said:
Seems to be an inconsistency between your post and your login name.

But your thinly-veiled reference to Richard aside, first, there is a difference between being challenged and attacked. Second, one's right to free speech is not abrogated by choosing to have a private board (though that right is abridged by the site guidelines and by common standards of adult behavior).

As for the commercial contingent in general, the Knowledge Lab would be considerably emptier if all those with a "commercial interest" were to vacate the premises, and, as with other websites, even more of the blind would be assuming the mantle of leadership.
Yeah, ok, a difference between "challenged and attacked", right?
Can you remember who (clue - has a fetish about price and volume) was it that used to display, at will, monumental rudeness at ET?
You can take a challenge, can't you? You said so.
And, yes, its T2Ws turn to be challenged .. or is it attacked?
"..even more of the blind would be assuming the mantle of leadership" .. your words.
Yes, guys, sorry, but a lot of members must be 'the blind' at T2W if without a commercial interest .. the man says so.
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This reference was generic and not specific even if you choose to determine otherwise.

Since there are only two private forums, perhaps you'd like to clarify what your "generic" reference refers to.

As for commercial interests, your views here might be clarified as well. For example, when you say "where money is concerned so called 'principles' will go straight out of the window", who is it that is ignoring the principles?

Edit: Coming back to the subject of commercial interests, I don't know if Sharky is still reading this stuff, and I see no point in starting yet another thread. But perhaps the issue of commercialism needs to be looked at as a sort of subcategory.

And, yes, I have a book. But I don't conduct seminars, teach, tutor, coach, publish a newsletter, have a system or course to sell, and I'm not a mentor.

All that aside, there is to me a difference between somebody like, for example, Richard, who is very clear about what he does, and somebody who says oh, yes, I've been using this program for months now and the results are incredible and the people are fantastic and you really ought to check out their free trial and blah blah and the poster is the one who's selling the program (and probably wrote it, unless he lifted it from somewhere).

It really all comes down to disclosure and deceit (or fraud, in the extreme). If someone is open about it, his obnoxiousness level -- if there is any -- determines whether or not he's banned, not whether or not he has a commercial interest.

Just something to think about on a cold, wintry day.
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DaveJB said:
How does disgreeing with a member's view of technical analysis ever justify emailing or PMing them to say their wife is a whore?
I'm perplexed, to put it mildly, that some of you think it's okay to do this - would one of you enlighten me as to how it advances your argument? I'm dead against people being banned for arguing with somebody who seems (note, seems) to be protected, which annoys the hell out of me too, but that sure doesn't excuse personal attacks. Call someone an idiot maybe!

I agree. There's nothing wrong with disagreements but why would there ever need to be a reason for insults? If there's something you don't like, you should be able to argue your position passionately without personal insult. Maybe I'm missing the point but I can't see anything constructive about flaming anyone, or worse. Treat people with respect, you'll get it back.
Gadgetman said:
I agree. There's nothing wrong with disagreements but why would there ever need to be a reason for insults? If there's something you don't like, you should be able to argue your position passionately without personal insult. Maybe I'm missing the point but I can't see anything constructive about flaming anyone, or worse. Treat people with respect, you'll get it back.
Well, though each member is an adult, remember that saying of children, "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me."
but the fact is that it DOES hurt people when they are insulted, childish sayings have about as much truth to them as old wives' tales generally - not much. As a purely logical exercise an individual would simply decide the person insulting them was a bonehead and ignore them - walk up to most people in your nearest town centre at chucking out time and treat them to a spot of verbal abuse and you'll find 'logic' and 'actuality' diverge faster than most trading systems diverge from profit.

People just aren't built to handle abuse, no matter how laughable, as irrelevant - it's probably some deep seated issue to do with hunting Mastadons for all I know, but as society generally makes rules up to prevent gratuitous insult from being deemed acceptable I don't see how going online should cause normal levels of behaviour to be suspended.

However, as I've said on another thread, I don't mind people flaming to their hearts content provided a mechanism exists to allow me to swap info with those who meet normal standards of civilised behaviour and avoid such inflammatory threads - members who genuinely feel unable to converse without getting into a raging fit should be accomodated in my view, ours is an inclusive society after all.

I’m becoming a little concerned that all of this “dirty talk” may be depressing you and distracting you from what should be your real focus on T2W – trading….

With this in mind and to cheer you all up a bit, I’m posting a recent trade of mine (chart attached)

No, it’s not a day trade or a 30 second scalp – it’s a sit-on your-hands, take a year off and just let it happen trade….

Now you’re probably wondering how I knew when to enter this trade, and when to exit…..!

What 'macro-analysis' did I use.....?

Well, I’d love to tell you now, but I’m sure your eyes will be drawn to certain text on the attached chart…

Not that I’m dropping hints or subliminal messages of course, but I’m sure a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse…..

And if you have to pm me, “talking dirty” is encouraged, but don’t be surprised if you get some back (with nobs on….)

American Excess, Veeza, Mistercard (etc etc) accepted

Merry Christmas… 😉


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    Dirty Chart.gif
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tradesmart said:
I’m becoming a little concerned that all of this “dirty talk” may be depressing you and distracting you from what should be your real focus on T2W – trading….

With this in mind and to cheer you all up a bit, I’m posting a recent trade of mine (chart attached)

No, it’s not a day trade or a 30 second scalp – it’s a sit-on your-hands, take a year off and just let it happen trade….

Now you’re probably wondering how I knew when to enter this trade, and when to exit…..!

What 'macro-analysis' did I use.....?

Well, I’d love to tell you now, but I’m sure your eyes will be drawn to certain text on the attached chart…

Not that I’m dropping hints or subliminal messages of course, but I’m sure a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse…..

And if you have to pm me, “talking dirty” is encouraged, but don’t be surprised if you get some back (with nobs on….)

American Excess, Veeza, Mistercard (etc etc) accepted

Merry Christmas… 😉

Gawd--- that is a funny post. Hopefully, you are doing well Tradesmart.

Comedy. Pure Comedy.

Have a wonderful Holiday. Use some of that Google money and get yourself a nice big bottle of something strong.
DaveJB said:
but the fact is that it DOES hurt people when they are insulted, childish sayings have about as much truth to them as old wives' tales generally - not much. As a purely logical exercise an individual would simply decide the person insulting them was a bonehead and ignore them - walk up to most people in your nearest town centre at chucking out time and treat them to a spot of verbal abuse and you'll find 'logic' and 'actuality' diverge faster than most trading systems diverge from profit.

People just aren't built to handle abuse, no matter how laughable, as irrelevant - it's probably some deep seated issue to do with hunting Mastadons for all I know, but as society generally makes rules up to prevent gratuitous insult from being deemed acceptable I don't see how going online should cause normal levels of behaviour to be suspended.

However, as I've said on another thread, I don't mind people flaming to their hearts content provided a mechanism exists to allow me to swap info with those who meet normal standards of civilised behaviour and avoid such inflammatory threads - members who genuinely feel unable to converse without getting into a raging fit should be accomodated in my view, ours is an inclusive society after all.

Good post. I would add, based purely on my own experience, but perhaps corroborated elsewhere on various threads here and elsewhere, that the make-up of a trading desk does not meet some society mean or even median - it tends to be excessive. It is in the nature of trading to attract extreme types (on both sides of the spectrum I would add - the loner to the most gregarious, but always represented towards an extreme), and thus Dave's last paragraph in particular is important.
The childish saying of sticks and stones doesn't hurt is nonsense, it is a form of bullying

It is verbal abuse nothing less and should not be tolerated.

Perhaps those that are perpetrators are victims themselves and feel the need to continue the abuse as with other forms of abuse?
jimbo57 said:
Good post. I would add, based purely on my own experience, but perhaps corroborated elsewhere on various threads here and elsewhere, that the make-up of a trading desk does not meet some society mean or even median - it tends to be excessive. It is in the nature of trading to attract extreme types (on both sides of the spectrum I would add - the loner to the most gregarious, but always represented towards an extreme), and thus Dave's last paragraph in particular is important.
You probably have a point in that a few traders do seem to crave a lot of attention.
Also I would add that this whole controversy is in itself a storm in a teacup.
that this whole controversy is in itself a storm in a teacup

On the vast majority of threads yes indeed. Some threads tend to associate more with specific individuals, and the shift from 'TA orientation' to 'personality thread' brings out the baying hounds.... unfortunately it also tends to swamp the thread, which is a pity if there is good content within it.. Should a 'personality' post a free advert thinly disguised as rubbish (and I genuinely am NOT aiming at anyone in particular here) then a well crafted demolition job gains credence by being phrased unemotively. Foaming at the mouth in many a case has resulted in a well-deserved rebuttal being ignored because the intemperate language used has camouflaged the genuinely useful content of the post.

Still, chacun a son gout, as they say.... (rought trans. 'Who wants another piece of cake?')