T2W volunteers sought (reviews section)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sharky
  • Start date Start date
  • Watchers Watchers 2


If anyone has some free time and is interested in helping out behind the scenes of T2W, I could really do with a volunteer to help get our Reviews section in shape.

The tasks include:
  • Going through all the resources listed, and remove any that are no longer operating
  • Update logos and descriptions for all brokers and websites listed
  • Create sub-categories for all the main categories (right now all books, brokers, software etc. are lumped together)
  • Create new resources across all the categories
Please reply here or start a conversation if you're interested.

Training will be provided! 😀
If anyone has some free time and is interested in helping out behind the scenes of T2W, I could really do with a volunteer to help get our Reviews section in shape.

The tasks include:
  • Going through all the resources listed, and remove any that are no longer operating
  • Update logos and descriptions for all brokers and websites listed
  • Create sub-categories for all the main categories (right now all books, brokers, software etc. are lumped together)
  • Create new resources across all the categories
Please reply here or start a conversation if you're interested.

Training will be provided! 😀

Apllying for chief moderator position. Will pay you 5k per month and you go off on a long needed vacation.
Apllying for chief moderator position. Will pay you 5k per month and you go off on a long needed vacation.

After being granted the position of chief moderator, will take Trader333 and Lightning McQueen under my wing and put them into rigorous training in how to maintain and toughen up their backbones aka spines ......... when the mob of sissies = old, now useless lions at T2W rush at them with complaints & howls about anyone and forcing them into a corner that if they don't ban and do as the mob wishes, their ass is grass.

That's putting a whole lot of pressure on these 2 volunteers. These 2 are not only not being paid for their time and effort, and have to read our stupid sh*t all day long (20 f****** years and counting) but now they have to deal with threats from your gang of z***s. In real life I'd shoot these ungrateful c******s on sight. I would not even bother to buy 'em - heck, buzzards gotta eat too!

After training by me, both Lightning McQueen and Trader333 would be like this in the video clip below, a thing of great honor and integrity, well worth working toward.

That's my word of Life


Methinks you have as much chance of getting into the moderator team as becoming the next president of the USA ? 🙂 😀


Methinks you have as much chance of getting into the moderator team as becoming the next president of the USA ? 🙂 😀


Can't you tell its a joke? 🤣 With me as chief moderator there would be a whole lotta f****in going on! that would be the prize. Like Rambo McQueeen hissself said, "the fox would be in the chicken coup" 🙂🙂

Both jobs suck. But at least the president makes 400k. these moderator poor sobs take it in the ass with zero pay, have to read stupid sh*t all day long, stay up nites if Fibo is online and then then get royally buggered with demands to ban someone. The worst type of slave job in existence.

But they do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣
There is no murder, no breaking and entering, no violence no physical beating of people, no rape, no torture, no bank robberies ........................ yet there is banning 🤣🤣 Even nuns on Wall street say sh*t that is 100 times more egregious than at T2W.

What a place, this T2W!

Add to it all the hindsight trading and you got the Sacm of Scam Pretenses of the Century!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣