T2W under fire


Starting yesterday, Thu 4 Sept, T2W came under heavy and sustained DDoS attack:

This means that someone, for whatever motive, wanted to take T2W offline.

Yesterday we did our best to block the ips of the computers that were saturating the server. This worked for the most part but meant blocking addresses from several countries across the world and the attack ceased for a few hours yesterday.

However this morning, the attack resumed with a vengeance and completely saturated the site and making it unaccessible or at best, extremely slow over a 12 hour period.

Our best course of action then became contracting the services of a dedicated DDoS protection company to mitigate the damage. This took us a short time to set up, but once it kicked in, although we remain under attack, their services are able to automatically detect and block the attacks, whilst letting real members through to the site.

In the history of T2W, we've been under attack very rarely (a handful of times in 13 years), but never with the intensity of the last two days.

Rest assured, we'll remain vigilant and do everything in our power to keep the site accessible despite the best efforts of whoever is maliciously targeting the site.

Thanks for your understanding, and apologies for the disruption.

Note: If we get knocked down again, then you can get updates about the situation through our social channels here:

Twitter: www.twitter.com/trade2win
Facebook: www.facebook.com/trade2win
Good question!

At a guess, it could be any one of the following:

- someone with a personal grudge against the site,
- someone that doesn't want information on the site made available,
- a competitor,
- blackmail (pay a ransom or the site stays offline) - although we've received no communications from anyone

My guess is one of the first two. Given the nature of the site and the high number of corrupt/shady companies in the industry. We get legal threats on a monthly basis, so there's plenty of people out there who would rather we didn't exist.
I'm in Spain.. I had a job getting onto the site this afternoon, although i seems ok, now.
Glad to hear it splitlink. Seems to be holding up pretty well now, I hope the worst is over.
Good question!

At a guess, it could be any one of the following:

- someone with a personal grudge against the site,
- someone that doesn't want information on the site made available,
- a competitor,
- blackmail (pay a ransom or the site stays offline) - although we've received no communications from anyone

My guess is one of the first two. Given the nature of the site and the high number of corrupt/shady companies in the industry. We get legal threats on a monthly basis, so there's plenty of people out there who would rather we didn't exist.

It's all our live calls helping the punters rip off the spread betting companies. :whistling

BTW aren't ALL forex brokers dodgy? :innocent:
hey guys ..............sorry to here this ............wondered why it was so slow so figured something was up ...............

hang in there

Must be doing something right, it's playing nicely for me at the moment... Here's hoping they get bored and move along.
Seriously ? What you see ?

Are you still getting that message tar? It's to do with the added protection we now have in place. I'm going to run the error code past the company to find out what it means.