T2W and the Arab Spring


Legendary member
It has occurred to me that the recent uprising on trade2win has many similarities to the Arab Spring. The old regime, with it's cosy links to the corrupt vendor elite, is under attack from the upstarts demanding an end to unfair slippage, one page Vince Stanzione websites and adverts in posts.

How will it all work out? Will there be a few grudging concessions to keep the natives happy like in Saudi? Will Jimmy Lulz and Truth Seeker join together in an unlikely coalition to attack T2W HQ in a pick up with an AA gun bolted on the back before shooting each other after an internal fued? Will we eventually find out that Tony Blair was lobbying T2W on behalf of Mike Baghdady?
Arab Spring
Indian Summer


Tiawanese Twister
Cuban Cumulo-Nimbus
Bangladeshi Barbeque-Summer
Welsh Wimbledon Weather
Cold (Northern) Front
Paki Prevailing Wind
Norwegian el Nino

Shiite tsunami

Vietnamese Volcanic Eruption

Terrorist Tropical Depression

Peter Pouring rain