T2W: Trashing the forums; damaged reputation; losing newbies

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Hi Tom,
Your reply was in response to an earlier post of mine, so I'm thinking that your question "What is going to be done about this?" might be directed at me personally - rather than to the wider membership. If so, I'm no longer on T2W staff (and haven't been for a long time) - I'm just an ordinary member like everyone else. I assume that both Pauls (Trader333 and Sharky) have seen this thread and are considering what best to do and will post to it as and when they reach a decision.

@Lightning McQueen - if you're active in a Mod capacity and/or are in contact with the Pauls (and any other Mods?) - perhaps you could bring this thread to their attention please.

No Tim, thanks but my question what's to be done was for everyone - membership and the site as a whole. It was more to highlight I expect something must happen than a specific question as to what.
My suggestion is to invite the OTT member over for Guy Fawkes day as er guest of honour and …..
He could go off with a bang !!
seriously though probably a nice enough and harmless buffoon whose ravings can be put on ignore.
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Thanks to the mods for bringing this thread to my attention. I'm away on holiday this week, hence the radio silence until now. I've initially banned Fibo for 1 week, and when I'm back after Friday I'll review and discuss with the mods whether we'll extend it, make it permanent or use other measures to severely restrict access.
Thanks to the mods for bringing this thread to my attention. I'm away on holiday this week, hence the radio silence until now. I've initially banned Fibo for 1 week, and when I'm back after Friday I'll review and discuss with the mods whether we'll extend it, make it permanent or use other measures to severely restrict access.

Well done Sharky and Mods.
Hey guys ...

I thought it was quiet !!!!

I go with the flow here and am grateful for still being allowed to post and contribute ....for me t2win is my home and was where I found my posting feet many moons ago

I am in other forums and part of linked in etc .....but they too exhibit the changing face of social,média and dare I say the dilution of education and debate towards all out entertainment ...

For example linked in has more recently started to Be invaded by the Facebook marketing crowd and at present we have a stand off whilst battle lines are drawn between the professional crowd and the new kids on the block claiming they have a right to be there and to entertain and scandalise .....

Sound familiar ?

I treat FIB and other new contributors with respect and seek to learn from them if they indeed have the skills worth learning from......if not i eventually drift away and seek others to learn from and exchange views with .....

Sure he’s prickly all right .....but as you know i dont shy from the prickly ones as long as there’s some substance under the bonnet ....and they don’t breach the rules of engagement on the site ...

I must confess fib is always in the ragged edge and I thought he would have been banned more by now .....but that’s not not my call.....fib is a big boy and won’t lose sleep by being banned so it’s up to the mods how much rope he gets .....we will have others soon to take his place ...

I would love to get more experienced traders back in the forum sharing and debating ideas and what is going on ...,

I dont know about you guys but there has never ever been a worse time now for absolute garbage being sold online from academies and schools and vendors all trying to make a few thousand bucks selling free regurgitated trading materials to unsuspecting new traders
Looking for help and advice....I really upsets me looking at how much these guys are being ripped off.....

We and other forums have a duty to help these guys get some knowledge under their belts before the wolves get to them.......at least give them a heads up .....we owe that as I suspect many of the old school here remember such mentors and contributors to forums that saved us from the wolves ......well until we chose to Be fleeced anyway !

Happy to help to try to get it moving again ......t2win is home for me ....

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Hey guys ...

I thought it was quiet !!!!

I go with the flow here and am grateful for still being allowed to post and contribute ....for me t2win is my home and was where I found my posting feet many moons ago

I am in other forums and part of linked in etc .....but they too exhibit the changing face of social,média and dare I say the dilution of education and debate towards all out entertainment ...

For example linked in has more recently started to Be invaded by the Facebook marketing crowd and at present we have a stand off whilst battle lines are drawn between the professional crowd and the new kids on the block claiming they have a right to be there and to entertain and scandalise .....

Sound familiar ?

I treat FIB and other new contributors with respect and seek to learn from them if they indeed have the skills worth learning from......if not i eventually drift away and seek others to learn from and exchange views with .....

Sure he’s prickly all right .....but as you know i dont shy from the prickly ones as long as there’s some substance under the bonnet ....and they don’t breach the rules of engagement on the site ...

I must confess fib is always in the ragged edge and I thought he would have been banned more by now .....but that’s not not my call.....fib is a big boy and won’t lose sleep by being banned so it’s up to the mods how much rope he gets .....we will have others soon to take his place ...

I would love to get more experienced traders back in the forum sharing and debating ideas and what is going on ...,

I dont know about you guys but there has never ever been a worse time now for absolute garbage being sold online from academies and schools and vendors all trying to make a few thousand bucks selling free regurgitated trading materials to unsuspecting new traders
Looking for help and advice....I really upsets me looking at how much these guys are being ripped off.....

We and other forums have a duty to help these guys get some knowledge under their belts before the wolves get to them.......at least give them a heads up .....we owe that as I suspect many of the old school here remember such mentors and contributors to forums that saved us from the wolves ......well until we chose to Be fleeced anyway !

Happy to help to try to get it moving again ......t2win is home for me ....


Well said.

fibo was particularly malign. He went out of his way to attack traders personally rather than to critique strategies or analysis, he contributed nothing useful to trading techniques and actively sought to discourage new posters from using the forum. He defamed me in a post: I reported it. He was banned.

T2W remains a good forum where traders can give and take on trading, and also while away the time in general discussion on other matters.
I think we do probably do need to set up more protection for inexperienced traders to join, talk and share more .....convert a lot of those guests who seem to haunt a lot of our big threads these days

I must admit if I had seen such "boisterous" and outspoken members dominating threads back in 2008/2009 such as FIB (and others over the years) I would never have got as involved in T2w as i would have been very intimidated by what they were going to say at me and about me .......like nursery slopes .....I feel some people need some safe space to learn ...and T2win has always been very good at that compared to many of the sharktanks i have and do frequent now ....

the balance needed is a difficult one ....but it can be done i feel ...and the need to change and evolve is always good ......as in trading itself .....

Well said.

fibo was particularly malign. He went out of his way to attack traders personally rather than to critique strategies or analysis, he contributed nothing useful to trading techniques and actively sought to discourage new posters from using the forum. He defamed me in a post: I reported it. He was banned.

T2W remains a good forum where traders can give and take on trading, and also while away the time in general discussion on other matters.

Fib is and always will be Fib ........thats him ....hes not going to change so its up to the T2win Mods if he remains or not .....if he's lifetime banned he will move on to the next trading forum ...hes not going to lose any sleep ....

some traders love extra bite in their life and something to kick and rebel against .....others like it quieter and let it flow (which i also think comes with age and more wisdom & maturity)

for example - I would hate to talk to myself in my late 20's now - i was a real gobshite and Pain in the arse with places to be and things to prove to everyone .........(and i had more hair)

hey we are all different .....

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The trouble with many youngsters has always been that they lose their tempers and resort to violence of speech and action. Only speech wise on this forum thank goodness. If they get away with it the general level of politeness tends to go down to match the worse offenders but that is human nature. There is always someone even tougher to rub their noses in the crap and teach them good manners. That's learning life the hard way.
Is Fibo a he and not a she.
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