T2W Tom aka Trader Dante Appreciation Thread

Dude, whats a teacher outfit?

Still in school yourself by any chance?

a teacher outfit is basically a normal work things with a gown, a morterboard, and a cane. glasses as well if ur lucky.

errrr and no i left skool agggeessss ago 🙂
a teacher outfit is basically a normal work things with a gown, a morterboard, and a cane. glasses as well if ur lucky.

errrr and no i left skool agggeessss ago 🙂

Sounds good, would be nice, but no! Thanks for the idea though-a trawl through the net methinks!

Maybe a revisit wouldn't do you any harm me ol' fruit! 😉
a teacher outfit is basically a normal work things with a gown, a morterboard, and a cane. glasses as well if ur lucky.

errrr and no i left skool agggeessss ago 🙂

sh1t out of luck with the specs, contacts methinks 😀
see this would be hotter imo if there were more layers of clothes (and glasses)

like strip differentiation

(im trademarking that right now)

hmm, just googled "teacher glasses" with safesearch off 😆
Don't think i'll post any of them :whistling