T2W Site Suggestions Please!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sharky
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Rognvald said:
Pal talk seems to be loaded with pop up adds

I find this a pain

Pop-ups - thats only if you cant afford the $2 a month to remove them

Paltalk is a place where there are hundreds of active daytraders
each and every trading day, compared to in recent times a half a dozen at most in the T2W room.

Having a presence there would mean having an advert to traders that haven't heard of T2W....

it all depends what you want.... do you really want lots of American daytraders on these boards ?

I have a Blue name and get no ads what so ever .. Pal talk is the best way to communicate and explain the reasoning behind one's trade without typing during the trading hours.

With a good CAM one can even show the charts..

The new version of paltalk was launched last night and is


PS:-- I have already mentioned T2W on paltalk and nearly got bounced ... 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁

Grey 1
My PT expce is very limited. Doyou mean it is possible to show charts from within the software or is this by allowing the CAM a view of your screen?
Some admins donot like to see ads of other trading rooms or other sites in their rooms.. few month back the hackers were posting links in the room that if you clicked on them apparently your Password/account detail could be hacked.. As a result they bounce any one who posts links in the rooms..

T2W can have a Blue and private room for $ 150 month and a black room for free..


By allowing a CAM facing the computer screen ... if you go to MARKET VU/ business catagory room he often displays the chart of ES and SOX and NAS in the room .. The pic is not all that good. I suppose his CAM is doddgy lol

Members may be willing to pay for ad free access to a room inhabited only by T2W members with similar trading interests and where voice and visual contact is possible -I don't like keyboarding while trading.
Pay A Nominal Fee for Using T2W?

Simple suggestion to solve problem of bogus posters, troublemakers, etc etc is to make T2W a pay/subscription site.

Say a nominal £10 a year to enable members to post, read forums.

I for one would not mind paying £10: the quality of the information is well worth it.

A radical step, I know, but could keep the quality of the board at a sustainable level............

Comments please.........

(And yes I'm aware that bogus posters could still pay the cash and keep stirring it)

(SHARKY - could be an idea for a poll??)

Charging would probably stop people signing up with multiple nicks - would become costly for them
I support the idea fully and suggest more than £10.. Perhaps £50 a year..

Thats a good idea I would pay a fee of £10.00 as its well worth it for the helpful information on here from like minded individuals, the money could be used to further improve the site, not sure about £ 50 we haven't all mastered vwap yet Grey !!
I think a fee might stop some people from posting. Just the mention of it got rid of a lot of good people on the Motley Fool.
Sign me up Scotty

schoe said:
Thats a good idea I would pay a fee of £10.00 as its well worth it for the helpful information on here from like minded individuals, the money could be used to further improve the site, not sure about £ 50 we haven't all mastered vwap yet Grey !!

£10 - cheap bargain but you need tougher moderators to delete posts not directly linked to furthering trading ideas, more vigalence from members to report posts not furthering trading.

But keep one thread for the bored and attention seeking to indulge in a cathartic release of trivea, jokes and matters not catered for on existing forums. Call it the "Sin bin" or "Ego Dump"
When you think how much most, if not all of us have spent on books etc., then a nominal fee would certainly sort the wheat from the chaff!
How about a system whereby anyone can be a member, but only paid up members could post. This would still enable the membership to grow as it is now but would hopefully maintain a quality of postings. This should in itself improve the quality of the site, thence improve the interest/membership - a self-fulfilling prophecy!?
By the way, keep up the great work Sharky.
Hi All

My personal feeling about making T2W a pay site, is that the number of new members signing up would drop right off. I for one would not have signed up to T2W if I had to pay and I would be reluctant to pay for anything that I couldn't see before hand 🙄

How about a paid up scheme for only the serious posters... Newbies could have a free trial period ( I can see Sharky having a fit). We gotta stop all the utterly pointless posters and postings.I'mgoing off on one. Must be the baccy.