T2W - Letter of COMPLAINT

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Active member
Hi (cc to whoever on T2W will take note)


I recently started a thread on the General Trading Chat forum called "Would you play this setup?". It was supposed to be a fun and simple observation of how a basic technical setup can sometimes work very well and how it had worked in a real trade situation for me. It was simply an experience I was sharing and was a thread I started on a Sunday afternoon and meant in that context i.e. a light hearted and simple exercise. Unfortunately, the thread turned out to be a fiasco and became completely derailed due to off topic and derisive comments by other members. I was left feeling humiliated and that I had had no right to start a thread on this web site. I thought T2W was a forum open to all and that anyone could post or start a thread here and share ideas, learning, triumphs, failures, etc. But that's not how I've felt over the last two days watching my thread being sabotaged and manipulated to make me look like a public fool (granted, no-one knows who I am, but at the same time THESE ARE MY THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS BEING MADE PUBLIC. So in a sense it is my intellectual property).

The thread was supposed to be about a simple technical setup. I made that clear in the opening post and I also made it clear that it was for fun. Instead of the usual mix of pleasant/neutral/pointless replies I was jumped on and accused of having all kinds of motives and being ignorant and unaware of wider market considerations, etc, etc. It was like being attacked by a pack of dogs without a leash and their master (moderator) nowhere in sight. I should probably just have ignored it and unsubscribed from the thread, but I argued the fact because I felt I had a right to start this thread and so felt compelled to defend it.

The thread was not about wider market considerations. It had nothing to do with my competence as a trader or my insight into fundamental or other analysis. I was not trying to teach or advise but merely to share an experience applying something I had learned. It was a simple technical observation and I was appalled that so called 'intelligent' traders and 'teachers' did not have the savvy to appreciate that that is all it was. I was stunned that they even had the time to pursue such a petty and pointless argument in the first place. I therefore wonder as to the 'quality' of these members views half the time and indeed their motives. Is it to help and teach or merely to deride and abuse others due to their own under achievements and lack of fulfillment?

Even the moderator on the forum at the time took a biased view and started badgering myself and another member who had posted a reply. In fact it went further. I asked the moderator to please delete the thread when it started getting hostile but he ignored me completely and instead worked to make an obvious friend look better. Even when he (moderator) decided to close the thread he then added back a post (on request from his friend) while still ignoring my requests. To make it worse, I think this was an EDITED version of the original post as well (it should appear in the cache anyway).

But this raises another question altogether and somewhat more sinister as well. Are certain members being insidiously promoted on this site? Are they being made to look more favourable than they should be to get other members (and newbies especially) in as followers? This has all sorts of implications and alerts me to the wider considerations of pump and dump and other forms of manipulative marketing and/or promoting. NOW, I'M NOT SAYING THIS DOES HAPPEN, but it's a question that has been raised in my mind. What is your answer to this?

I realise this is a free site so I suppose there's not much one can do and I can't insist on anything. But I see this site in a completely different light now.

I think T2W should make it clear that new members will experience these unpleasantries instead of promoting this site as a purely educational and informative one. Granted, there is much good on this site and I can attest to that. I have found some invaluable information here and have come across some truly genuine and highly knowledgeable people. But they seem rare in a landscape of a beligerent, egotistical, small minded majority.

I would like to make a formal complaint against lurkerlurker who I found particularly inciteful and offensive (in fact I'd like to meet him face to face, but that's another story). I think he has way overstepped the mark of forum etiquette and conduct. Of course you could ignore this and all the above and to be honest it wouldn't surprise me. I no longer see T2W as a 'quality' site (despite some of it's top quality members).

Having said that and knowing that this request will probably be ignored (I have asked the moderator on the thread about three times now and nothing has been done) I will ask again that you please remove every thread I've ever started on this web site as I no longer wish any of my thoughts be shared here. I did originally ask that all my previous posts (replies) be removed as well but understand this could effect some of the continuity in a handful of threads, so understand if that can't be done. But the removal of an entire thread should be simple enough and as there was never anything of much use in any of the threads I started (as I'm sure the members who sabotaged my last attempt will happily agree) I see no problem in simply deleting them.

Thank you.
Crikey. You're serious. How will you handle being rejected by the markets if you can't take being rejected by some losers hiding behind their computers?

PS for what it's worth, I thought your idea for the thread was ok although a little short-lived once people had explained what they thought and why. It did give insight into how others trade, though, which is good, isn't it?
I was left feeling humiliated

well that's an integral part of trading. the markets will skrew you over at every opportunity. Welcome to your continuing education

But this raises another question altogether and somewhat more sinister as well. Are certain members being insidiously promoted on this site? Are they being made to look more favourable than they should be to get other members (and newbies especially) in as followers?

err, no.
I've never heard anything so bizarre.

to what end ? for what purpose ?

Put your toys back in your pram and catch yerself on.
I didn't see this thread initially (I don't usually look at those types of threads neo - no offence, just not my cup of tea). So all I've read is the sanitised version. If you like (and this is a no strings offer) and if the mods are able to supply it, I am happy to take a look at the whole thread and give a totally fresh view on it. Sounded like no-one covered themselves in glory, but I think with the best will in the world there's also another larger underlying point to be made here. And that point is that it really isn't ever worth getting all that worked up about a bloody internet forum. Ever. Did I mention - ever?

T2W is full of people of vastly different levels of experience, vastly different levels of ability and vastly different levels of seriousness. That's just the way of things.

Further than that I can't really comment until I see the proper thread (if that ends up happening). I did have one comment for Mr Sould but that was about t.a. and probably would have been better place ON the thread.
I certainly would not condone gratuitously insulting replies, but if that sort of thing offends you so deeply you should probably steer clear of using internet chat rooms OR try to rise above taking offence. I've been using this website for a couple of months and find the comments to be well thought out and relevant. I do not detect any systematic promotion/abuse of/by individuals.
Sharky mentioned that Journal threads will soon have permissions on who can post, or something along that line..
I have to agree with the OP - there's a few people on here of 'elevated status' who are in grave danger of disappearing up their own azzholes.

The OPs thread was actually a pretty good premise - a 'what happened next' type post. That in itself is actually a fantastic idea and will certainly seperate the wheat from the chaff.

We should support such things on T2W, not mock people for lack of knowledge.

Whilst it's nice to have experience traders here, if all they do is mock the less experienced, the forum would be better off without them,
T2W can be a bruising place at times and anyone who's been here for more than five minutes and actively posts on the boards will, likely as not, have experienced something along the lines you describe. Been there, bought the T shirt! There are two clear ways of dealing with it when it occurs. You can take them on and fight them or you can put them on ignore. As you say, I doubt complaining about the situation will do you much good as there will be those who don't see things from your point of view. Only if someone transgresses the site guidelines will any action be taken against them. I could list a number of members who I find disrespectful and rude, but others will find those same people helpful and friendly. Our perceptions of one another are as different as our perceptions are of the markets and therein lies the rub. So, when all's said and done, it's six of one and half a dozen of the other. You can migrate to another forum that you perceive to be friendlier, but we all know what they say about the grass being greener on the other side of the fence. In terms of netiquette, I suspect T2W ranks pretty highly for a free public forum, and you'll be hard put to beat it. You could delete your own posts if you want, but it's not really fair on those members who made the effort to contribute (either 'positively' or negatively' in your view) to the thread to ask for the whole thing to be deleted altogether. After all, somebody somewhere out there may be able to extract something positive and of value from it - even if you can't.
Other problem is you can't actually tell who the more experienced people are here aither. For a start it probably doesn't correlate to post count, and secondly, there's not exactly 100% truth on these types of forums either.

Thats why I say not worthe getting worked up about.
jesus christ-toughen up-you sound like one of these ban sportsdays because it's not fair on the losers-guardian sort. life is full of hard knocks-especially trading. take it on the chin/in the nuts/wherever, get up, dust off and carry on.

this country gets on my wick sometimes.
"there's not exactly 100% truth on these types of forums either."

thats not like you Gamma, you don"t make many typo errors :-O

............ one to many 0 in the number I think ?
there are alot of rude cu nts on this forum in general..its sad that everyone is just saying "deal with it" well how about everyone stops acting like a bunch of twats and contributes something to this forum for once.
jesus christ-toughen up-you sound like one of these ban sportsdays because it's not fair on the losers-guardian sort. life is full of hard knocks-especially trading. take it on the chin/in the nuts/wherever, get up, dust off and carry on.

this country gets on my wick sometimes.

IMO This is totally the wrong attitude.

The people that need to 'get a life' are the negative assholes that feel the need to jump on every newbie post and tear them to pieces.

Some boards have a flame-free 'newbie' board just because certain azzholes feel the need to dominate, belittle and persecute people on line.

This type of behaviour isn't new to internet forums. The end result, obvious to anyone with more than half a brain, is that you end up with a board full of people with strong personalities. Those that can give back as good as they get end up dominating the board. The end result is not necessarily that you end up with a board full of good traders & those willing to put in the effort to train.

Perhaps T2W should be a forum of traders that can also engage in tough internet debate. Then again, perhaps it should be a forum of those that can engage in trading. Who knows what the plan is ? I'm just bored of waiting for a decisive break out above 1000 to be honest.
Rothschild is right gooseman 🙂

While this is teh int0rwebz and I'm sure everyone's "portfolio" is much bigger than mine or Neoripley's, there's no need to rip into everyone.

I've only been around a couple of weeks and so don't have much weight yet, but really, if you want the lulz, either head to 4chan and go toe to toe with some of the best, or remember that not every trader enjoys being rolled by the market and the people they come to for advice.

Neoripley, I've sent you a PM, let's chat about things there. I'm going to lock this thread because while your complaint is fair and honest, the replies I feel are only going to go downhill from here.
Hi (cc to whoever on T2W will take note)


I recently started a thread on the General Trading Chat forum called "Would you play this setup?". It was supposed to be a fun and simple observation of how a basic technical setup can sometimes work very well and how it had worked in a real trade situation for me. It was simply an experience I was sharing and was a thread I started on a Sunday afternoon and meant in that context i.e. a light hearted and simple exercise. Unfortunately, the thread turned out to be a fiasco and became completely derailed due to off topic and derisive comments by other members. I was left feeling humiliated and that I had had no right to start a thread on this web site. I thought T2W was a forum open to all and that anyone could post or start a thread here and share ideas, learning, triumphs, failures, etc. But that's not how I've felt over the last two days watching my thread being sabotaged and manipulated to make me look like a public fool (granted, no-one knows who I am, but at the same time THESE ARE MY THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS BEING MADE PUBLIC. So in a sense it is my intellectual property).

The thread was supposed to be about a simple technical setup. I made that clear in the opening post and I also made it clear that it was for fun. Instead of the usual mix of pleasant/neutral/pointless replies I was jumped on and accused of having all kinds of motives and being ignorant and unaware of wider market considerations, etc, etc. It was like being attacked by a pack of dogs without a leash and their master (moderator) nowhere in sight. I should probably just have ignored it and unsubscribed from the thread, but I argued the fact because I felt I had a right to start this thread and so felt compelled to defend it.

The thread was not about wider market considerations. It had nothing to do with my competence as a trader or my insight into fundamental or other analysis. I was not trying to teach or advise but merely to share an experience applying something I had learned. It was a simple technical observation and I was appalled that so called 'intelligent' traders and 'teachers' did not have the savvy to appreciate that that is all it was. I was stunned that they even had the time to pursue such a petty and pointless argument in the first place. I therefore wonder as to the 'quality' of these members views half the time and indeed their motives. Is it to help and teach or merely to deride and abuse others due to their own under achievements and lack of fulfillment?

Even the moderator on the forum at the time took a biased view and started badgering myself and another member who had posted a reply. In fact it went further. I asked the moderator to please delete the thread when it started getting hostile but he ignored me completely and instead worked to make an obvious friend look better. Even when he (moderator) decided to close the thread he then added back a post (on request from his friend) while still ignoring my requests. To make it worse, I think this was an EDITED version of the original post as well (it should appear in the cache anyway).

But this raises another question altogether and somewhat more sinister as well. Are certain members being insidiously promoted on this site? Are they being made to look more favourable than they should be to get other members (and newbies especially) in as followers? This has all sorts of implications and alerts me to the wider considerations of pump and dump and other forms of manipulative marketing and/or promoting. NOW, I'M NOT SAYING THIS DOES HAPPEN, but it's a question that has been raised in my mind. What is your answer to this?

I realise this is a free site so I suppose there's not much one can do and I can't insist on anything. But I see this site in a completely different light now.

I think T2W should make it clear that new members will experience these unpleasantries instead of promoting this site as a purely educational and informative one. Granted, there is much good on this site and I can attest to that. I have found some invaluable information here and have come across some truly genuine and highly knowledgeable people. But they seem rare in a landscape of a beligerent, egotistical, small minded majority.

I would like to make a formal complaint against lurkerlurker who I found particularly inciteful and offensive (in fact I'd like to meet him face to face, but that's another story). I think he has way overstepped the mark of forum etiquette and conduct. Of course you could ignore this and all the above and to be honest it wouldn't surprise me. I no longer see T2W as a 'quality' site (despite some of it's top quality members).

Having said that and knowing that this request will probably be ignored (I have asked the moderator on the thread about three times now and nothing has been done) I will ask again that you please remove every thread I've ever started on this web site as I no longer wish any of my thoughts be shared here. I did originally ask that all my previous posts (replies) be removed as well but understand this could effect some of the continuity in a handful of threads, so understand if that can't be done. But the removal of an entire thread should be simple enough and as there was never anything of much use in any of the threads I started (as I'm sure the members who sabotaged my last attempt will happily agree) I see no problem in simply deleting them.

Thank you.

Just seen this and I must say i'm particularly annoyed now considering I apologized via P M for certain comments...also in the said P M i did explain about delete post procedure how I would pass it up the chain for review etc which I duely did.( it's not my fault if up the chain is not around to deal with things )and also suggested to you that if you were ready to learn anything...that a more humble approach would be more fruitful. Clearly, learning anything is not your intention here.

I'm almost sorry I picked up on what I thought was the most glaringly obvious problem with your opening chart...namely FOREX and VOLUME ( could easily be taken as a given by any newbies reading the thread, but in mine and others experience it is DANGEROUS UNINFORMED NONSENSE ) and that was the reason I asked a question of mr.m and not you about any relationships between the Two.

As for moderating...we take a balanced view of all requests...and there were many on this thread in question...and any outcome is not always simply going to suit One member.
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