T2W DTs Choice Award 2011 - win $100 Amazon Voucher


Legendary member
OK all - roll up, roll up.

I am going to sponsor a competition. This will be for $100 Amazon vouchers.

T2W staff are not allowed to play in this competition.

The winner will be the one with the most outrageous claims.

These claims can come in various forms:

1) Outrageous win rate
2) Outrageous chart setup
3) Outrageous reasons for entering a trade
4) Outrageous claims of time at screen/hours put in
5) Outrageous percentage returns (bonus points for outrageous returns whilst still maintaining an account of less than $10k).
6) Outrageous reasons for training people

As well as the $100 - you will also get half of T2W PMing you asking you if you'll train them. As a side benefit, you will also have access to the bank accounts of the T2W staff (OK I made that bit up).

Myself and the following will act as judges:


Note that if you don't have any ludicrous claims, you can enter somebody else's ludicrous claims instead of your own. Please state the ludicrous claims clearly and why they you believe they are bogus. Only 1 entry per person, so if someone enters a member, you can't enter them yourself.

The comp will be run until 14th February, winners will be announced on 18th February.

As a hint, the judges will be looking for you to back up your ludicrous claims and add various embellishments. It's no point coming here with "I made a gazillion dollars" - you need to be creative & imaginative. Look around the site for ideas. You can make a video or audio file too BUT we'll be judging based on substance more than format.

Good luck

So... the retail forex parody awards? Or am I missing the point?
I can enter someone elses bogus claim? Well there's no bigger claim than being World Champion of Trading 2009.


well if im a judge its only fair that i cant be in the competition.

as well in the order of fairness i will call "shotgun" on any and all the outrageous claims relating to and/or directly involving Chuck Norris.

this is only to give others a chance.

pboyles - I would prefer entries from the T2W but as I didn't specify this from the outset - I will allow that as an entry. You will need to embellish a little to stand a chance though.

For everyone else - let's keep it T2W...

BTW - if a judge wants to enter - we'll sort out a way to keep this impartial. I won't allow cheating.
You might as well stop this silly nonsense right now becasuse I have the winner.....

Its TW2's outrageous and hypocritical claim that they "provide educational and thought provoking content to help better educate our members in their trading lives"
Outrageous claim. This thread.
The final proof that DT has gone "full on native" 🙂

Yeah but it's nightime in Thailand and the grass you could get there is to die for so no surprise he's on form....Dy'a catch some free Euro pips there cv? Rude not too..🙂
Note that if you don't have any ludicrous claims, you can enter somebody else's ludicrous claims instead of your own. Please state the ludicrous claims clearly and why they you believe they are bogus.

Do I have to get Mr or Mrs Somebody Else's permission to enter their results?
Only 1 entry per person, so if someone enters a member, you can't enter them yourself.

"enters a member"? This could be even more interesting than I thought.
I would like to nominate "fcta". He is outrageous in every single category, the principal theme being he claims to have a hot line to Jesus and Solomon who tell him what and when to trade.
He only "helps" Christians however.
I'm not sure his psychiatrist would allow him the prize though.
Well. Toastie,

When I were nobbut a lad and brown bread were a shilling a loaf I found meself caught short on Blackpool prom without even a penny to me name for the Public Convenience. A fine upstanding young gentleman observed my plight and gifted me a penny piece. I hastened in to the Public Convenience and noticed at the far end a door to one of the stalls was slightly ajar. Oh joy! I burst in and did my business with my penny piece unspent.

Out in the sun again I dashed to Blackpool Pier and invested that penny in a gambling machine which, as I expected since I had been earlier watching the money flow, returned me a florin. From four years old I had been interested in the stock market - and I can modestly claim to have invented pin bars when I was seven and a lifetime before Trader Dante claimed ownership - and I persuaded my father to add my florin to some purchases I had advised. A short time later I had £10.

£10 became £100 which was some going because my father was a hard man who only passed on 10% of what was truly mine until, at last, I was old enough to trade in my own right. £100 became £1000 almost overnight thanks to my extraordinary skill in reading my home made charts, although I still visit my bank manager friend on visiting days at the Scrubs who had mentioned something about a take-over in the offing. I was off!! And despite my spend, spend, spend nature I turned that £1000 into millions until, in 2003, I happened on Trade2Win.

What a revelation! I followed every source - don't anyone listen to the siren song of pboy - and the money fell like rain. Twenty five spread betting accounts with a couple of mil in each and I can't even count it.

Now I am approaching the final curtain I would like to reward that gentleman who started it all off - but because I employ Spanish stops and all my accounts are in 99% drawdown I look to you, Toastie, to reward that fine man with your $100 prize. No, not him you fool - it's the one who left the door ajar I'm after!!
