DionysusToast Legendary member Messages 5,965 Likes 1,501 Dec 31, 2010 #21 A monthy prize of $1,000 would make it interesting.
Lightning McQueen Moderator Messages 4,993 Likes 827 Dec 31, 2010 #22 off topic non t2w comp chats are moved to http://www.trade2win.com/boards/t2w-feedback/112752-off-topic-posts.html thanks
off topic non t2w comp chats are moved to http://www.trade2win.com/boards/t2w-feedback/112752-off-topic-posts.html thanks
L Lodian1019 Active member Messages 119 Likes 6 Jan 1, 2011 #23 £50 entry each or £100, depending on how many? Lodian