T2W Advisor Role (Re-launched)


We launched the T2W Advisor role last year with the best intentions; but we failed to properly support and maintain it. Although some advisors continued in their role; they received little supervision or support and so the whole initiative languished and was in need of urgent attention. I'm pleased to announce that process has now been completed and we're ready to relaunch the role.

From the existing advisors, the following have agreed to continue in their role:

arabianights, Dinos, Directional, GammaJammer, Mathemagician, rathcoole_exile, Rhody Trader, trendie.

We thank you for your continued support!

We're looking to immediately recruit maybe 2 or 3 more advisors; so if you think you might be interested please read the updated advisor role below:


T2W Advisors are volunteer members who have expressed a willingness to help support the smooth running of the community and website and to actively help improve them.

Advisor Pre-Requirements
Note these are general pre-requirements which should be met by new advisor applicants:
- Registered: For more than 3 months
- Posts: Minimum of 100 posts
- Conduct: No infractions in the last 6 months (or since registration, whichever is less)

Advisor Role Description
Advisors are tasked with supporting T2W by:
  • - Assisting new members via the forums.
  • - Providing feedback in the T2W Team Forum about the T2W site in general and the forums in particular on an on-going basis.
  • - Reporting forum posts and private messages that contravene the site guidelines.
  • - Reporting non-badged vendors and members suspected of having multiple accounts.
  • - Acting as champions to help promote new site initiatives, such as the new Video section.
  • - Commenting on new advisor applicants.

Advisor Benefits
All advisors will automatically receive the following:
  • - Access to private T2W Team forum
  • - T2W Advisors badge next to their username in the forums.

Advisor Conduct
As representatives of T2W, Advisors are inevitably looked up to as role models particularly by new members, hence:
  • - Advisors must adhere strictly to the site guidelines. Note that advisors will be generally held to a higher standard than regular members.
  • - Advisors should maintain an active presence in the role and be available to make a regular contribution on at least a weekly basis.

Advisor Recruitment
We're grateful to all members who volunteer to help support T2W. The community relies on volunteers to help support and improve the site. If you are interested in applying as a T2W Advisor then please contact Nika,
or any of the T2W Team (Staff, Mods, Advisors) here; and you application will be reviewed by the Team.
I'm half-tempted to put my name forward, but what's in the private forum? I don't derive any satisfaction from a changed status so apart from making this place better what are the additional benefits?
Discussion on unbadged vendors moved here.

Masquerade, the private forum is a place in which all T2W Team members have access to discuss matters relating to the running of the forums. Apart from helping to make this place better, you'll get first access to any new features we're developing and an opportunity to express your views directly to the rest of the team. Thanks for your interest!
evergreen1: Those pictures are called avatars. You can either pick an existing one or create your own one from your User Control Panel here: http://www.trade2win.com/boards/profile.php?do=editavatar

apcorona: Thanks for your interest, but the pre-requirement for new advisor applicants is minimum of 100 posts; we look forward to your application once you meet these requirements.
am i in this race?? 😀

i have 100+ posts,
more than 6 months old,

oh yes,i do run a private website service .but i never allow tht site to interefere in my thread at t2w.
i keep giving views n calls to traders for feee still. my thread is the most view thread in t2w ..!!

if its okay to keep my website name in my profile ,then i am interested.
cos ppl who are willing to pay for my service,i ask them to visit my profile for my website.
if tht is not to be removed...then u got a 24x7 online guy at t2w 👍
hi sharky,

i need advice from all advisors.

how do i go about asking for it. is there a specific advisor area i should be looking in or should i start a new thread/post.

please help. also find the website a wee bit dificult to navigate.
What advice do you need from all advisors? Please read the first post in this thread which explains what the advisor role is - note it has nothing to do with financial advice.
i basicallly need a bit of career advice. any advisor who has had stockbroking positions in the uk would be great for me.

have had a bad experience working for a "firm" operating a "pump and dump" operation, and i want to stay away from these "firms".

can anyone help?