System that actualy works


Established member
Autotrader that actualy works

Hi guys, i just wanted to share this automated system with you guys.
Its based on my manual trading.And is a lighter version of my own private autotrader.

Charts used:
1:3min chart no indicatots, will only show where the trade is taken.
2:2min chartwith macd and slow stochastics (used to entry and exit)
3:10min chart slow stochastics and a macd
4:89tick chart with slow stochastics

When all the macd's and slow stochaastics are pusing in the samedirecion
and noone of stochsatics are in the overbought area it will go long.
And it uses -20 tick stops, and will move stop to +1 when marked goes +10 ticks in favor.And then takes the trade out when the macd on the 2min crosses or if the stop gets taken out at +1. If the marked is not +10 in favor yett, it will only get stopped out at -20 and the macd crossing on the 2min will not exit it.

The ema's you see on the charts have no funtion, was to lazy to remove the,but dont remove them please as it will screw the workbook.

Start the program when the marked have been open for at least 10mins ,and close the program when the clock is 15:45.

What you do is :
1:Copy both files into your datafolder in you sierrafolder and
then start sierra and open the room chartbook.And it will start lookin for trades.

***Soon to be released in a few days********************
I will also release my own autotrader to you guys in a few days, that one will not get chopped up in sideways marked and takes most of the large moves up or down. And have have very high hitrate, its also fully automated, just start it before marked opens and thats it, and it starts trading after 09:40 and stops taking anymore trades at 15:45.
I works well on any contract size, but i recommend trading 1 contract pr 5000 as a minimum, but i prefer using 1 contract pr 10k. As that will lower the risk pr trade to 1%.
I will also have a build it scalper that take those small moves and the hirate is very good as well. Since its my bread and butter i will not release the source code or the workings of it to you all, and it will only work from mont to month basis, i will mail everybody a new .dll file each month.Since i will be trading the YM marked i dont want more the 30people on that marked using this and not more then 650 on the ES. I dont want slippage to become an issue for me.

Anyone who would want to use this would need to mail me so i can add them to the mailing list for the .dll file, so each month a new .dll will be sendt.I hate spam myself, so dont worrie about that.If u want out of the list, just let me know and i will remove you.

This is a free system with no strings attached, i am doing this as a favor to you all and thats it, for those who will write why give out something that works i have this to say .

1:It will not affect my trading, so i dont reall care who uses it, and i will cap the program 30 people on the YM as thats what i am using. If i see fils getting bad i will just lock the program from trading it.

This works only in sierracharts for the moment and whatever you can trade with sierra you can trade with this trader.Its set to default as sim, if u want to go live, then just change it in the settings. And it will start doing live trades. I will in the future convert it to tradestation and metatrader aswell. But i dont have a date for that,when its done i will make a new thread about it.

I will not be providing any support for this trader, but if you are wondering about anything you can always come to our little room in paltalk called bashir trading something, and again guys, its free and im NOT selling anything. Ask any questions there and i will reply. And i am also letting everyone know when the trader is going long or short, and everybody in the room have access to the trader btw.

The system have so far made arond 3300+ ticks, and lost around 115 ticks this last month alone, and its averaging around 150-250tick pr day using 2 contracts. And its only risking % pr trade if u are using 10k account.

Anyways, if anyone wants to give it a try on sim or live send me a email to [email protected] , let me know and i will send you a copy, the reason i am asking for a email is simple. If put it out here i dont know who has it or not and i dont know people to bombard me with email asking different questions when all the those questions are allready been giving to them in the list.

*******Soon to be released in a few days*******************************

I am hoping to have the private trader ready for you guys in the begining of january and will let you know when its ready,but in the meantime please enjoy this very simple version and let me know what youthink , i know its flawed but its just a demo and does not have the major funtions that will make 80% hitrate system, but its doing fairly okey on its on.

My email is [email protected] if you have any question that u dont want to post here.If you want to join use then the link to the room is here --> Chat Groups Paltalk
I will also be taking question in the rom, trading is a very solitary profession so its good to have people to talk to, and we do have alot fun there :cheers:😛arty:

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy


Last edited:
like the way your system looks can you use it in tradestation is it still free no strings attached. Thanks, Bobsan
how to get

How do I get this system to write it to tradestation just curious do you use his system is it good I could not find his chat room on paltalk.