the big picture


Junior member
I have been reading the book to Tom Bulkowski, i love that hee has this sientific approach to the marked.

I have som qestion that i hope wee can discuse

1. is there other book that have this approach, that study what work and soenst work when it comes to the fundamental and technical analysis (i have read to much books that dosent verify anything, and when you backtest the strategy its suprisingly bad)

2. im trying to keep on studying the correaltion to other factors in the stock price besides the news and so on in the company, some would say the overall markde is important som industry, and so on, have anyone read books about this, what drives the stock price..
Start with this:

3. after beeing a newbee in the stock markde the last 6 months this is my manual for starting (because I have been hurt by not following this)

1.Maks risk pr position 2 %
2.Start with no more then 8 stocks
3.Secure that the 8 stock i spread to atleast 5 industries
4.have a mental stop at max 15 %
5.Let the fundametnal and thechnical confirm your buy, its not always enough to just have on of them
4. never fight the trend, trade with it
5. 30% of the stock price is caused by the overall marked so dont stay long in a bear marked
6. stay away fro stock under 7 dollars and micro cap (they will kill you)
7. the volume should bee over 100.000 a day (check that this is the avrage volume)
8. dont buy a lot of services that say they can help you, most cant, and are living of neewbies thats surfing the internet for help - start with som basic books, and listen only to those that have earned money in this marked
9 belevie mee when im saying there is no holy grale out there, noen at all - don look fore it
10 you will lose money (and a lot of it) start the first 6 month with small amounts

I could make this lits longer but i will leave it there... if there is any input, give fed back - im going to publish it in my blog

And dont forget to answer the first two qestions