system pro raises head as consolidated forestry


A few years ago I was scammed into byuing a couple of thousand shares in System Pro, which was a boiler room that took quite a few people at that time. The worst thing about these shares is they have been a magnet for other scammers and I have been approached several times by apparently benevolent corporations wishing to buy these worthless shares off me, but always involving a large "verification" or "certification" charge before they could pay you the very generous amounts they were offering.

The latest of these seems to be a company called Consolidated Forestry Industries Inc from Toronto Canada, who initially offered to swap shares for nothing, but now are offering very large rewards for the shares as long as you come up with a few thousand dollars to redeem the attached warrants.

Has anyone else had similar experiences?
I havnt heard of the companies you refer to but you will see hundreds of similar stories about other scams on the 'boiler room scams' thread here on T2W