Trading systems, trading signals, trading strategy


Hi All,

Just read a tiny few of the recent posts... It's horrible reading! Seems thousands are still getting absolutely mugged for all their cash by scam artists and boiler rooms.

Please, everyone, especially new people, realise the following:

1.) NO-ONE gives away trading secrets. If you have a profitable strategy, you would not sell it. No one in the world would sell a profitable strategy - you would trade it yourself. If you didnt have any money to trade it profitably yourself, you would go to a reputable bank, explain your strategy, and they would fund it.

2.) NO-ONE has a trading programme, algorythim, black box model, or anything like that that consistently predicts winning trades. It literally does not exist anywhere in the market.

3.) Brokerage houses do not ring retail clients to tout small / micro cap shares. If anyone does ring you about a mickey mouse firm that they think is the next big thing - it isn't: it's total nonsense.

When you think about it, it makes sense no-one would give any of this away. If you have a trading system that is profitable, well, you're a hedge fund, and you stand to make absurd amounts. No-one would 'share' that potential, it just doesn't happen.

If anyone thinks I am being cynical, feel free to comment. I am genuinely experienced in the markets, I do work as a trader and have done for a long time, and I do understand the industry more broadly. Any questions - fine, but please everyone, just accept, it is VERY difficult to make money trading. You have a huge information disadvantage on everyone else in the market, and even a wealthy retail client is horribly underfunded comparatively.

No-one makes large sums, very quickly. IT JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN.

ANYONE suggestion otherwise is telling outright lies.
1. The bank will steal it.

2. This is your own opinion and you are probably very inexperienced. I have systems that work for the past 20 years every year and I know people who have very consistent systems.

I don't think you are cynical. I think you try to project your failures so you can feel happy.

My suggestion is for you to work harder.
I think all I can say to that is I disagree entirely!

A bank cannot steal your proprietary ideas provided you have it in writing. A simple NDA and intellectual property greement prevents that - many ibis have been successfully sued for stealing hedge fund algos.

I'm not inexperienced at all - I have consulted to or work on the trading desk of some of the worlds largest banks - that's just a cheap shot. Well done you if you have a 'method' that has been profitable for twenty years. I'm not saying traders cannot be profitable either! I'm saying there's isn't a system out there that is consistently profitable that anyone would share or sell. They'd trade it themselves if they had one. That's the be all and end all of it.

The message was simply to point out to any novice that you have an acute information disadvantage, you do not have the same pricing or Market access, and it highly unlikely you will make much out of trading. If you dis and could easily, not a single trader would work for a bank or fund or asset manager anywhere in the world - they'd all trade they're own account from home.
If it cannot be done, then why are you here ? I hope you are not here to steal the trading strategy from that guy who is doubling his money in 1 month.
Ha ha - I like that 🙂 I've got my own strategy actually... If everyone sends me £10,000 I'll explain it from my yatch in the Bahamas!

I'm here because I'm quiet at work, and sometimes the discussions about the Market goings on an people's views on various different topics are interesting. Just annoyed me that every other post is some poor bloke asking if he's been ripped off - if someone offers to sell you a trading strategy, or a penny share that about to explode, or the secrets to forex - well, they're a complete liar! Just wanted to spell it out.
Ha ha - I like that 🙂 I've got my own strategy actually... If everyone sends me £10,000 I'll explain it from my yatch in the Bahamas!

I'm here because I'm quiet at work, and sometimes the discussions about the Market goings on an people's views on various different topics are interesting. Just annoyed me that every other post is some poor bloke asking if he's been ripped off - if someone offers to sell you a trading strategy, or a penny share that about to explode, or the secrets to forex - well, they're a complete liar! Just wanted to spell it out.

LOL, sure your yacht is still there?....Category 3 Hurricane Irene is there right now.
I know a couple of forex signals service that really make good results. Some of them providing their service since 8 years!
^ haters gonna hate

this was a good post for new people to read. all the advertisements online can convince you that at least some are true.

i'll add one thing though; If you believe a trading strategy can be self-fulfilling if known by many market participants then you would sell it or give it away for free because that would make it profitable