Symbols in IB

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Have just got my account open and am having problems entering symbols. I have subscribed to LSE and LIFFE, to get mainly ftse futs and ftse cash. Ive managed to get the futures(symbol Z ) but cant get ftse cash. Also im unable to get any LSE shares or LIFFE stock futures. Can anyone help please
Looks like me and you have something in common. I am looking to trade FTSE futures soon as well although I am in a steady F&O back-office job at the moment and haven't quite got the balls to do it just yet. Anyway it might be worth trying the UKX for the cash as some vendors do use this coding. Anyway in the meantime keep me posted as to how you get on. No doubt your an experienced professional I guess, and as your name suggests, you are indeed bored and are just looking for a bit of fun day trading!!!!

Ive tried ukx and lx ao, cant think of any others.

Ive traded ftse futs for about 5 years, and am changing broker to get a better deal. Since IB feed allows a charting package to be tagged on im trying out sierra. Having used my other set up for all that time its a real struggle getting to know new packages,platforms etc. I was using mann brokers, market eye feed and supercharts. I'll get ther in the end , but at the moment im wasting time trying to sort these problems out when I should be trading.
(Bored, ftseboy, looks like we've all got something in common. I'm also brand new at IB and hoping my initial deposit is going to clear any day. Getting ready to trade the Z)

Could you just confirm that FTSE cash is just for plotting - there is no way to actually trade the FTSE cash - the closest bet is the next FTSE future.



You cannot trade a cash index with a broker and that applies to IB as well as any other broker. You can only bet on it with a spreadetting firm. I hope this clears up your confusion.

just an inquiry

on the subject of the LSE feed from IB,does it provide the ftse250 Indies / main sectors e.g. bank /oil gas e.t.c.

thanks for any help.
My understanding is that the data supplied by IB is solely for the stocks and futures you can actually trade - they are a brokerage rather than a data feed supplier. Therefore, as you cannot enter a position in the FTSE250 index, you cannot receive data for this from IB.
hi skimbleshanks

I realize you cannot trade the above products however they do provide an LSE feed, I presume for reference. I would just like to know how much of the cash market it covers.
thanks fo any help.

p.s. does the ftse 250 have A FUTURE CONTRACT attached to it.
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LIFFE do currently offer a contract based upon an underlying of the next 250 companies called the FTSE 250. It has the same characteristics as the FTSE 100 index future i.e tick size £10-00 per whole point and the same trading times and final EDSP (Exchange Delivery Settlement Price). Not sure how liquid it is but when I used to work at Morgan Stanley they only held a few positions. Knew my back-office experience would come in handy in the end on this BB!!!!

PS By the way whilst on the website you will see a couple of FTSE indices that were launched on 29th April. Might be worth having a look at them as well.

Go to LIFFE products
Equities & Equity Indices
FTSE futures & options
FTSE 250 index future

Goodl luck
As ftseboy implies, the 250 future has very low liquidity as it's very thinly traded. Instruments like that make very poor trading vehicles and are best avoided.
can anyone confirm the ticker for the FTSE CASH with IB I have tried the above, they don't seem to work.
appreciate any help.
IB do not have a ticker for FTSE cash as they are a proper broker and not a Betting agency...

However the FTSE future from Liffe is Z on IB

evening johnnyT

I realize this, however they provide A LSE FEED which I presume also delivers the ftse cash just for watching.I may be totally wrong.
Hi one/two,

I think you are wrong, judging by similar comments on concerning US indices.

The argument put forward was that they are a low cost broker and not a data provider.

can you think of any data providers that will provide the FTSE 100/250 CASH and can be linked with sierra.
in IB...

Right click a blank line in the 'UNDERLYING' column

click 'TICKER'

insert 'Z' and OK it

then choose 'INDEX'

That should do it, but I don't have a subscription to LIFFE to test it
Works for all the us indices