Here in Wailsville the tempo is building rapidly to bordering on ,his that , hysteria ,or hysterical ?
No matter, The Holy Wail foresees a rosy future full of employment and such riches that each man (of qualifying age) will have an endless choice from a bevy of beauties to hang on his arm. nay verily will he have to toil for peanuts on Ebay just to buy a burger.
All men will be kings in their own homes having bought them back debt free for a song.
All 401K's and Sipps will be fully invested in Bric (and Brac) bringing endless pension spending to the developed West and new horizons feeding many along the way (if they don't get confiscated by Ras (PUTIN).
This is our HOLY WAIL ...what's your, whatever it is we want to hear it and get more views than the elephant man 😉
No matter, The Holy Wail foresees a rosy future full of employment and such riches that each man (of qualifying age) will have an endless choice from a bevy of beauties to hang on his arm. nay verily will he have to toil for peanuts on Ebay just to buy a burger.
All men will be kings in their own homes having bought them back debt free for a song.
All 401K's and Sipps will be fully invested in Bric (and Brac) bringing endless pension spending to the developed West and new horizons feeding many along the way (if they don't get confiscated by Ras (PUTIN).
This is our HOLY WAIL ...what's your, whatever it is we want to hear it and get more views than the elephant man 😉