Swing-day trading US stocks

Watch ideas: 07/23/2007

Next earning date: Aug 01, 2007
Next earning date: Jul 30, 2007

Next earning date: Aug 07, 2007
Next earning date: Jul 26, 2007
Next earning date: Aug 01, 2007
Next earning date: Jul 26, 2007

If you have any questions, please email me or ask me in the trading room.
Good luck trading today!!!!

Ivica Juracic
Watch ideas: 07/27/2007

http://www.ivicacharts.com/diagrams/2007/07272007nak.jpg http://www.ivicacharts.com/diagrams/2007/07272007cbst.jpg

I will follow FMCN and MHK for bounce from daily support area but for that we need intraday pattern first


I will follow IDC. Right now no clear pattern, but could be interesting under yesterday low.

If you have any questions, please email me or ask me in the trading room.
Good luck trading today!!!!
Ivica Juracic
IMPORTANT: Take only the opportunities that you really like and understand. Always enter a trade with a trading plan. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. There is a much greater chance of success in your trading if you understand the trade. That is very important. Taking just a few trades is enough to be a successful trader. Overtrading is probably the number one reason new traders fail. I personally mostly take swing trades. Please remember to keep that in mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Watch ideas: 08/14/2007

http://www.ivicacharts.com/diagrams/2007/08142007stld.jpg http://www.ivicacharts.com/diagrams/2007/08142007fix.jpg

http://www.ivicacharts.com/diagrams/2007/08142007micc.jpg http://www.ivicacharts.com/diagrams/2007/08142007azn.jpg http://www.ivicacharts.com/diagrams/2007/08142007rti.jpg

If you have any questions, please email me or ask me in the trading room.
Good luck trading today!!!!
Ivica Juracic
Good day
Yesterday we got nice trading day. But if we look inside I did same as usual. For trading, it is very important to find patterns. They will help us to take small risk trades with nice risk/reward possibilities. Sometime will work better and sometime won’t, but that is only way to be successful trader. My trading rule is very simply. MOVE-REST-MOVE. I’m breakout trader and I’m interested only for that patterns, because without good trading plan and good r/r possibility we can’t be successful traders on long term.

Here is example of that.
DRIV. Setup was under 44.82 and stop above 45.35 with target area at 42-25-43 areas what was previous daily support area and reasonable target area. This is setup chart:
After strong move down from highs, DRIV started with nice 60 min consolidation what brought us opportunity for good day trade. At same time on the daily chart, we can see nice continuation pattern, what suggest for consolidation on intraday charts.


This is yesterday result. DRIV saw daily low area and gave us nice risk/reward.
Without good consolidation (base, triangle, flag) every trade will be high risk and for longer term it is not smart to trade charts without patterns.


Wish you all good trading day
Watch list for 08/16/2007

NOTE: Market closed very weak and every setup right at the open will be high risk so please avoid that possibility at least 5-15 min. That is reason why is very hard to bring completely trading plan before open. Easy we can see today gap down, but easy we can see bounce and that will influence on charts what I watch. After several selling day it is not smart to take new shorts. I found two interested, especially LBTYA because look like have own way. Since I will look for bounce possibility, my focus was with stronger names and charts, which hold better then, market action last days. Focus is on reversal (phoenix). JAKK, MFB, GERN, BLUD, KELYA, EZPW are some of them what I will watch, plus watch list.

Good luck trading today!!!!
Ivica Juracic
Watch list for 08/17/2007

NOTE: Market is still in unpredictable. For same reason as last days, so I will again bring charts without completely trading plan. It is option expiration Friday and everything can be whippy so use those ideas as low risk opportunities. I will bring all updates on the site and in the trading room.

Watch ideas:

http://www.ivicacharts.com/diagrams/2007/08172007brkr.jpg http://www.ivicacharts.com/diagrams/2007/08172007kelya.jpg http://www.ivicacharts.com/diagrams/2007/08172007mnta.jpg http://www.ivicacharts.com/diagrams/2007/08172007blud.jpg

If you have any questions, please email me or ask me in the trading room.
Good luck trading today!!!!
Ivica Juracic