Swine Flu Vaccine - Deaths

One person can do nothing but if enough people refuse to believe the propaganda they will be so outnumbered that they can't force their agenda onto the public. For example, the Greek Police have voted not to be vaccinated and will refuse to enforce vaccinations on the public.

The same applies to all the other hidden agendas that they are trying to force on us. Fortunately, the COP15 Climate Treaty has been stopped in the last day or so because the truth is leaking out and some ministers are refusing to cooperate. The next issue is the new Codex Alimentarius regulation which they are trying to legalise on 31st December. This will class many health foods and all vitimins and minerals as toxic drugs in order that the pharmaceutical companies corner the market on health. It will also make the sale of organic food illegal which must then be sold as ordinary food at lower prices. The World Health Organisation has stated this regulation will result in the deaths of 3 billion people worldwide.

All we can do is ask people to check the facts for themselves. No scare mongering, no hippy style conspiracy theories, just research the truth.
I can't comment on everything she says.

But on some things she seems muddled
she says the adjuvant is untested. So far as I know this is not true.
It is tested, but is only untested on certain high risk
groups eg pregnant, elderly.

Also she refers to the baxter vaccine having squalene adjuvant, so she seems muddled again
as the baxter vaccine requires several shots precisely because it does not have the adjuvant booster, besides which Very few people in the UK will receive this...only if they have documented egg allergies.
The GSK single boost vaccine (with adjuvant) is what most people will receive in the UK.
It makes sense noty to have to return to the Drs 3 times.
Also she is talking like a conspiracy theorist..... there are no laws to force anyone to take the vaccine, nor penalties of $1000 per day for refusing. Nor is anyone (certainly not in the UK) losing their job over refusing to take the vaccine. Plenty of medical staff are choosing not to have it from what I hear. Fair enough.
Its a simple choice thing. It all comes down to a yes or no choice in the end.
Yes, lets bring back diseases like small pox and polio. Lets increase the incidence of measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, diptheria. Lets expose women to avoidable risk of cervical cancer by doing away with the HPV vaccines. Lets just throw away some of the real successes of public health programs.

Lets just abandon research on a Malaria vaccine and be damned to the huge benefit it could bring to much of the third world.

Because it it not just H1N1 vaccine that is in the sights of a lot of the anti vaccine bunch - it is all vaccines.

In a region just south of where I live, the anti vaccine crowd have been quite active and about a third of children have not had the normal vaccinations ....... Several children have died from whooping cough.

Finally, lets not listen to the virologists and epidemiologists when assessing the risk of an influenza pandemic. Just go to your favorite conspiracy web site and receive the truth.
I am well aware that there is no point in arguing about this but why be so black and white? Your agument is like saying because most politicians aren't just out for their own interests, then all politicians are honest. Of course some vaccines have done good in the world but that doesn't mean that this one will do good. The whole issue of the debate is that many doctors and those medically qualified in this area are saying that it's a scam.

Doctors never said that about any of the list of vaccines you quoted were a scam, did they? But now many of them are saying that about H1N1 - so this is clearly different. Also, we never had evidence before that lethal vaccines were distributed as has been the case with this one.

The whole point of the problem is that we are not listening to virologists and epidemiologists. More of them than not are against the vaccine. We are listening to the media and governments.
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Once again, the 'untested' adjuvant is squalene. Maybe I did not make this clear:

Squalene is ubiquitous in the body - your body produces it naturally.
Your body uses it to produce vitamin D and just about every hormone you care to name.
It is also borken down by the body and metabolised and is excreted as, among other things, earwax.
It is found in all fish and plant oils (cod liver oil!!!!)
It is found in most seeds, rice bran, wheat germ, nuts and olives (olive oil!!)
It has been used in comsetics for decades.

Squalene has been ingested by humans since the dawn of time, and even if they did not ingest it, their bodies made it themselves.

How is this untested?
Squalene is not the issue. The issue is that the vaccine was contaminated. The evidence says this was intentional - so do we believe what the vaccine companies tell us?
Live bird flue virus and live swine flue virus. When they tested it on animals, they all died.

This is clearly stated in the video and admitted by the manufacturers. It is not in question.

Obviously, the current vaccine will not be the same but it does show that the intention was never to help the situation.
Swine or pig!

Me and the wife have just had letters to go for our swine jabs,
but now I am really confused, AND I have just had a flu jab as well.
I think the best thing to do is wait till a few have had it here in England then make a decision on it
This is a quick reply to my last post which was done at 15.26 yet the t2w clock says its 10.26 any thoughts.
Doctors never said that about any of the list of vaccines you quoted were a scam, did they? But now many of them are saying that about H1N1 - so this is clearly different. Also, we never had evidence before that lethal vaccines were distributed as has been the case with this one.

That's not quite true. There was a big scare about MMR and autism that it seems was entirely unfounded. And the original researcher had a conflict of interest.

It is very true that some of the campaigners against H1N1 vaccines are campaigning against all vaccines. It is all over the net. This confuses the issue for many people and is just deplorably irresponsible.

The whole point of the problem is that we are not listening to virologists and epidemiologists. More of them than not are against the vaccine.

Can you back that claim up with any evidence?

By all means a rational debate about vaccination is to be applauded.

But what is going on is peppered with nonsense about one world government, conspiracies to keep the masses ill and therefore compliant and on and on. The rational conclusion to draw is that the protagonists are more interested in pushing their peculiar brand of right wing politics that the actual facts of the matter.
This is a quick reply to my last post which was done at 15.26 yet the t2w clock says its 10.26 any thoughts.

your current t2w timezone is set to (GMT -5) Eastern (US & Canada), Bogata, Lima

suggest you reset timezone to (GMT -1: hour) Azores, Cape Verde Islands

that should bring you in line with t2w time 🙂
Can you back that claim up with any evidence?

By all means a rational debate about vaccination is to be applauded.

But what is going on is peppered with nonsense about one world government, conspiracies to keep the masses ill and therefore compliant and on and on. The rational conclusion to draw is that the protagonists are more interested in pushing their peculiar brand of right wing politics that the actual facts of the matter.

There is eveidence to be found from serious doctors on the Internet and many have spoken on on radio. I personally don't want to get involved in the debate other than to ask people to check it out for themselves.

Rational conclusions are all very well but I'm afraid they are based on what you've been told to believe by the media and society in general. Sometimes, this is wrong!

People deny that vaccinations may become mandatory and that we have a free choice. This simply isn't true, although it hasn't been enforced (and may not be) most places. The problem is that once WHO have declared a pandemic, you can be forced to be vaccinated or be arrested. This has already started in some places.

Obama has declared a State Of Emergency - that gives the government the right to over rule existing laws and pretty much do anything they like. Under a state of emergency, rights and freedom do not exist.

Martial law has effectively been declared in the Ukraine and President Victor Yushchenko has just announced the arrests of opponents of forced vaccination.

It has begun, and the Ukraine seems to be the first place where this is being implemented, giving power to WHO and the UN over the Ukraine but supported by the President.

Talk of a 'New World Order' is not just the stuff of conspiracy websites, it's out in the open and clearly a long-term agenda.

So, I've already said far more than I had planned and this will be my last post on the matter.
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A quick update.
Due to very low take up of the swine flu vaccine with adjuvant booster, the DoH has stepped down from its previous policy and now allowed pregnant women the option of having either of the 2 swine flu vaccines. The DoH does not accept there are health issues with the adjuvant based vaccine but gives the choice in order to increase vaccination levels amongst pregnant women. Many would not have the vaccine due to stories indicating a lack of testing on pregnant women.

I refer to page 3 in this document, which has other useful swine flu vaccine info too.
i had the vaccine last thursday.only side effect was a swollen arm over the weekend
i am still breathing
i had the vaccine last thursday.only side effect was a swollen arm over the weekend
i am still breathing

Ah - but your poor use of punctuation leads me to assume that you have become autistic.
One up for the Rothschilds 👍