Susquehanna Interview


I have a first round interview tromorrow at Susquehanna for the assistant trader position. Can anyone provide comments about previous experiences or suggestions for preparation? I've read that the interview involves several probability questions. Any help is greatly appreciated.
SIG interview

I have an interview scheduled at SIG next week... can anyone please give pointers to wat kind of questions I can expect in the first round... I am a financial engineering student...

I have a first round interview tromorrow at Susquehanna for the assistant trader position. Can anyone provide comments about previous experiences or suggestions for preparation? I've read that the interview involves several probability questions. Any help is greatly appreciated.
If they start asking you those stupid questions like 'what's 11 x 44 /2 x0.45', the answer is 108.9 by the way 🙂 refuse to answer them.

When they ask why, say that a) your mind doesn't work that way (assuming it doesn't) but far more importantly b) suggest that almost 90%+ people that they employ wil most probabaly be able to answer them, as will many in the general market so why do you want a load of clones all thinking the same etc. Surely what makes a robust company is that it's made up of individuals that have many opposing skills - BUT when they ask you what your 'opposing skill' is you better have a really good and very original answer 🙂

Do that and you'll start to differentiate yourself from the crowd and they're sure to ask you back for a second interview. I would if I was doing the interview.
thanks so much for your express replies 🙂 So mostly heard on the street statistics and probabilty questions wud suffice? any puzzles?? i hate them.... and any behavioral type questions? resume based?
In the first round, I was being asked some behavior questions, very general you could probablly find it in Vault or Wetfeet, and then in the second half of the interview, it is about two probability questions, not difficult but a little tricky, such as X ppl go sit in a round table, what is P of sitting in age order, etc... hope that helps...