Survey - The role of algorithmic trading in today's and future markets

I don't have any knowledge about algorithmic trading, blind at all about iihs matter, seems this is very mathematic s\cience about algorithmic trading isn't
There is several problems in general which leads to misunderstanding. The term "algorithmic trading" can indicate for someone only HFT approach and other latency sensitive methods, while under this term is also low frequency trading approach which can practise every retail trader. Of course, you need some knowledge. But retail trader does not need to be rocket scientist for successful algo (automated) trading. Anyway, we would like to measure opinions of traders on this topic. We ask traders which use and don't use algo trading. Interactions between amateur and professional trader, also as algo and discretionary trader could be interesting. So please, fill the survey to get the most relevant output. Survey is till 22.5. and then, we will release results.
Nothing wrong with a little algorithmic assistance from time to time......they can do things humans can't ......not everything mind you but useful nonetheless

Whatever system gets you through the night long as it leads to profitability and you can turn the thing off if it blows.......👍

Sorry....algo now


Sorry couldn't resist......Hey it's the weekend .......👍
This survey is created with intention to map the general views of traders on algorithmic trading and his role in today's and future markets.

Please, participate and share.

I've been using my own algorithm in trading profitably over the last 8 months. I filled out the survey. I'm curious what is the purpose of it though? Is it a marketing thing?
I've been using my own algorithm in trading profitably over the last 8 months. I filled out the survey. I'm curious what is the purpose of it though? Is it a marketing thing?

Thank you, every opinion counts. I answered on similar question elsewhere, so I will use similar words.

We just want to measure and present data for this topic also from traders perspective. You can see many surveys where analysts are asked about their opinion on fintech and influence on investors or industry. But very few surveys from traders, even less from retail. This topic is todays trend, industry is moving forward and we think that these informations could be usefull for everyone. We will also ask professional traders through LinkedIn etc. for fill this survey, to compare retail and professional traders on this topic. You are partly right - we want some attention (after release the results). But it does not change anything on what I wrote above - interesting informations for traders and other industry participants.
We processed the results and released a summary. Because the results are on our blog, we will not post a link here as we do not want to violate the forum rules. If you want to know the results, it is the last post on our blog. At the same time we want to thank everyone who participated in the survey.