Super Scalper!

What is your problem mate?

Anyway, I just looked at today chart seeing exactly your figure you posted yesterday!
USD/EUR: 0145ET-0230ET; the EMA(2) would just have done in this case. Selling when it bounces down on this line after a short hickup. After the second drop 0210ET you could have figured out it was this degree of EMA to act on it on the last wave.

Didnt trade today, fortunately I see on this first figure. Not sure of the rest; will report some more later..
0150ET: This figure turned out to be avaided for part but not to blamed if you would have blown a trade here. It looks like a clear buy from the Strategy but for all in this Stochastics could have give you a red flag for this trad. Its not quite clear on the 2min chart as well. You see small upwards Stochastics though on lower prices. Now looking at the 1min chart, the situation becomes totaly clear(Remember you have to watch for the tops in a downtrend). In fact its a strong sell signal looking at the big spikes up while the price drops!
0220ET: Would have been a struggle to Scalp. If you enetred this trade early you could have just made it; could have blow a stop as well. Lets say we did! Now take a look at the 1min chart again a coupl mins later say 0225. What you see here is Stoch Diverging even more from the 0210ET situation so after the crossing you see on the 1min down at this point you should have exit the 0220 and reverse your game.
0230ET: This trade would have made up the previous blow.. and more. I hope you hit the homerun here Peter!
Mention in this last situation again divergence pointing to the other side(2min clearly and also 5min, making it a very strong case); this flip qoining can continue for quite some time sometimes. Make sure to get last one though because this one is usually a big one!!
Peter, I the crossing Stochasics lines on the 1min pointing to the opposide direction could have give a very nice signal to exit the trade if you were long for a scalp.

What timeframes you use? Please let me know if and so how you played!

The rest of the day looked to be a peace of cake.
Any Spam from me?

Ridiculous story..

Reed my comments on other threat where a had a very nice conversation with someone who was Marketing his ideas here! At the beginning of my Posts here; you'll probably like them(click my name, than Find more posts by MarkTalens )!
What is your problem mate?

Anyway, I just looked at today chart seeing exactly your figure you posted yesterday!
USD/EUR: 0145ET-0230ET; the EMA(2) would just have done in this case. Selling when it bounces down on this line after a short hickup. After the second drop 0210ET you could have figured out it was this degree of EMA to act on it on the last wave.

Didnt trade today, fortunately I see on this first figure. Not sure of the rest; will report some more later..

sorry but you are mistaken i havent posted anything about eur/usd i dont trade forex.

but if someone was a cynic they could say that you are trying to discredit me for saying you were a spammer.

you are or you arent. time will tell.

i wont write any more on your blog.
Off course you didnt play this figure; you're from NewYersey probably..

Unless you are a very early bird(late!?)!
Not much trading for me today. 1 losing trade this morning. I was busy with other non related stuff today. I like the 5m timeframe for this setup because it gives enough opportunities to keep from getting bored.

Off course you didnt play this figure; you're from NewYersey probably..

Unless you are a very early bird(late!?)!

yeah, most of my trading is from New York time 6:00am to whenever. I miss a good part of the London/UK session.

I think you can take advantage of such figures by adding some EMA that fits the strength ot the trend and than scalp by playing the bounce of this line in oppisite direction. Coformation could come from crossings on a smal timeframe from Stocastics!

Exectly the same Figure again on the EUR/USD from 0230ET! Result also the same. Only difference: this time I played part if it! Hasn't much to do with the Strategy though because Stochastics wasnt overbougth in this situation.

0235ET I Sold on Divergence from Stochastics 5min chart that made it very obvious(to me..) price would go to Pivot in my view. I deleted the first Prft taker and took ful advantage of both futures to just buy on the Pivot(Homerun!). Usualy I stop but I went on because I'm just sitting here for couple minutes..
0250ET Sold on the failing risistance on the first point; bougth on the next one(1 future). Another homerun; oh dear!
Do you think I played for the next Strategy play at 0255ET? Ofcourse not, I just exited my position! I should have played the next Divergence at 03010ET; even more at 0325ET on the 2min chart but I didnt because I did call it a day a couple minutes ago this time!!
0250ET and 0300ET you dont play because of its close Pivot and 0305ET you probably srew one if you were late at the party because you were thinking this bounce should reach the EMA.

I'm soryy I'm anoying you all wih my Divergence blabla; its just my middle name rememeber. I'm an expert on this.. Its boring and dangerous to play just this Divergence Stochastics story though: the reason I went out there searching for something to scalp! As it turned out it can be of great use wthin this Strategy using it in conjuncture with BBands. Using this strategy you have to keep in mind this pitfalls like today; its not allways sunny out there rigth!

Mark "The Great"
I'll be on hollyday for sime time now trying to save my merrage..

I'm calling this thread a day as well, as I know enough rigth now of the story.

Thanks for the great support Peter and good luck to all!!
I use a macd histogram. Works great in range markets. For trending markets I usually will skip the 1st 2 signals as these tend to be false. The best part is the small risk. I have been toying with the idea of using the 2 signals THAT I WOULD HAVE NORMALLY SKIPPED and trade the opposite direction for a few pips, but I haven't tested this to any significant degree.

If been toying with MACD as well but difficult to read for me. I found other trend indicator that will tell you exactly when to play and is much easier to read. Try QQE indicator and if you see this making a cross around the BBand its a very str signal. It also tells you wether the trend will continue before this signal(as it doesnt cross!). If I play the 5min chart I look for the 1min chart to initiate things; jump in early for max profit.
I'll be on hollyday for sime time now trying to save my merrage.. I'm calling this thread a day as well, as I know enough rigth now of the story.

Thanks for the great support Peter and good luck to all!!

join the club :whistling

........and thats a drawdown I cannot afford at the moment....
