Super Amazing System

i load the indicators, so just follow the arrow?

Red = sell?
Green = buy?


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Face of trading is changed forever

I also thought this was one big joke until I did a little digging. The guy’s for real and this system works. At first glance it seems superficially ridiculous, but when you allow the nuances and cleverly hidden-in-plain-sight key features that previously only those of the inner circle of successful traders were privy to, to unconsciously penetrate and permeate your amygdala you realise how something so simple, yet so powerful could have eluded so many for so long for so much and so on and yet been clearly in view the whole time.
I just came across a few posts by you dating back to 2004 where you were discussing net present time, net future time and futorology with a certain gent in purple.

I have now come to the full and sudden realisation, like a thunderbolt from the sky, of the connection between this amazing system and those concepts that I first encountered years ago.

I have opened your indicator and, although I know nothing about MT4, I think I can understand enough about the code to work through the night coding it into Tradesation Easylanguage, so that I might be the bearer of this olympic flame of the trading world to the eyes of the awaiting TS user base.

The most wonderful thing about this discovery is that you don't have to sit at the pc all day watching, but can program it in to make those two perfect trades each day. However for those who still crave that screen-time an audible alert can be set up to instantly call you to watch those 2 amazing events unfold before your very eyes.

I feel that today we can all justifiably make comparisons to the holy grail

Yours ever so gratefully

I second your views Charlton. My initial thoughts were to urge you to hold off taking this to the wider universe that is the legion of TradeStation users (is that stocks and shares or CJDs?) to prevent this getting into the hands of too many, but this goes against the very purpose of the Johnblake Organisation and its directives and imperatives, which I now fully and thoroughly support. So please, go right ahead.

You say, I imagine half-jokingly, that this can be compared to the Holy Grail. I’m not sure how far that is short of the truth. I’ve back-tested this on my IG Index hysterical data and even allowing for slippage, stop-running, slow execution, IG-centric spikes, partial fills, inexplicable spread widening and guaranteed stops that aren’t, it’s still a winner – big time.

Manual still downloading. I’ve never seen such a large pdf. Lord knows what’s in there.
Secret Indicator Revealed at Last !

I also thought this was one big joke until I did a little digging. The guy’s for real and this system works. At first glance it seems superficially ridiculous, but when you allow the nuances and cleverly hidden-in-plain-sight key features that previously only those of the inner circle of successful traders were privy to, to unconsciously penetrate and permeate your amygdala you realise how something so simple, yet so powerful could have eluded so many for so long for so much and so on and yet been clearly in view the whole time.


Hi Bramble,

Why did you reveal our "Most Guarded Secret Indicator".

I was going to charge at least $3000.00 for it and share the proceeds between our
Inner Circle and you are also a part of it.

What if the rest of our Inner Circle Members find out that you have
revealed our Secret and given our "Holy Grail" Indicator for FREE, what will be the consequences?

Well, since you have given it away for free, I wish everybody
Loads and Loads of Wealth.

i load the indicators, so just follow the arrow?

Red = sell?
Green = buy?

Wrong again, everyonerich, peer into the Looking Glass of the still Dark Pool, Alice, in which you must cast a stone so the ripples mark the inner and outer boundaries of price movement with the amplitude of volume. Then and only then can you laugh at the poor fools who use rectangular two dimensional charts. For ONLY we who use the third and fourth dimensions in the ever changing liquidity of Dark Pools can constantly drain the liquidity from you fodder.
I've just opened the pdf.

The thing's hollow..

it goes on forever...and...

oh my God...'s full of stars!
heres the indicator coding i opened using Metaeditor.

btw.. theBramble, can you share the pdf? are you serious or what? lol

//| johnblake.mq4 |
//| © 2009, The Johnblake Organization for Knowldege Expansion |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2009, JOKE"
#property link ""

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 Red
#property indicator_width1 2
#property indicator_color2 Lime
#property indicator_width2 2

extern int SignalGap = 4;

int dist=24;
double b1[];
double b2[];

int init() {
int start() {
int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
int k,i,j,limit,hhb,llb;

if (counted_bars<0) return(-1);
if (counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;
if(counted_bars>=1) limit=Bars-counted_bars-1;
if (limit<0) limit=0;

for (i=limit;i>=0;i--) {
hhb = Highest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,dist,i-dist/2);
llb = Lowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,dist,i-dist/2);

if (i==hhb)
if (i==llb)