Sun's out, birdies frisky, some people are actually smiling! ... life's OK! (and U?)


Yes - that's what the sun does for me.

Perhaps havin been born in Calif many, many happy memories ago... is what causes me to feel wee bit perky compared to what feel like during 'other' UK weather patterns.

What, if anything does sunny weather do for you people :?:

trades are better?
mind makes light of heretofore strange chart patterns?
decision making for entry/exit is straight forwards?
or - even feel 'frisky' like the bird population? 😉

Crazy subj i know but heck, bit of lateral mindset is good now 'n then!

Enjoy ALL time ya got T2W'ers

:idea: ever tried lookin in the mirror in the morn and smiling? Simple and nocost positive therapy! Try it... jus may find your total demeanor starts getting a makeover :-0

Ouch! my soapbox jus broke... so better shutup 😱
Good to read positive comments - keep it up ;-)
I assume you weren't born in the fog bound Bay Area?
Was in India last month and sun was always out and it was pleasant is one of the main colonial town with some great Georgian and Edwardian forefathers hail from is a dry state so no alcohol, but for permit holders 40 bottles of Fosters is made available to British Passport holders each week.....

I often wonder why did I come back..???...if kids did not insist I would have called it a day and settled there for ever....a cousin trades the indian markets making very good living out of that....

I may eventually do just that...but talk of sun got me going....
Mr. C

Nope - LA
Ah yes - sunny and smoggy Los Angeles! Boy, that smog was a bummer! In 50's, 60's all I remember is that chest used to hurt and eyes water loads due to that lovely LA basin... yuk!
Used to cycle 40 miles down to Santa Monica and spend day on sand and in the water!!!
Different era - different people... Guess like UK really - not unique to any one place.
Thanks your comment Charts, much appreciated hearin from a T2W 'sir'!! - I just feel like burstin out all over some times and since at home on the dreaded keyboard... well - gotta be done!

Never been to India - actually never been many places... California to UK and here I am nearly 40yrs later.
I've finished the Dad thing 10/15 yrs ago and many times I just wanna pack bags and GO!
But - always something seems to say 'stay', yes?
Maybe, one day... I'll tell you tho, Australia is pulling at my mind last few years. I reckon goin back to US would be a major letdown and not at all what I grew up in/with/around.
Good ol England gets to ya after awhile - and Oz having the UK connection seems little bit more agreeable...
What do other's think? Oz or US???

Yep - only need a connection to the 'net and money can be made...!
WOW - 40 bottles would manage to fry me, must cause the locals to get upset?
Eagle Rock,

Don't go back to me on that one...lived there for the last 13 yrs.

Great opportunities for trading in the timezone. Follow the European markets and then US opens in the afternoon. Also, currencies market is driven through London and major hedge fund presence in London also.

Hop on a plane for 2 hrs to any major European city for a short break every month or so...can't beat it.
Good stuff, EagleRock.
Love Santa Monica - used to eat breakfast there every day at a place on the corner of 3rd Street, a couple of hundred yards up from the beach by the pier.
Hi zambuck,

Dry State which means you are from Gujarat which part are you from as i was was born in London but my family is all from india.

I was also there in Dec/Jan and very nice it was.

Would be nice to learn more about your friend trading the indian markets never looked at it my self.


'but for permit holders 40 bottles of Fosters is made available to British Passport holders each week.....'

So what do you have to drink for the other 6 days?

Dax- you make some valid comments, but I am seriously thinking of moving out to the EU somewhere. Cost of living is cheaper and better. London is stinky, full of grumpy gits who take everything far to seriously, and it takes 2 hours to go down the road. I just don't see why this place is so expensive! So it has a few good restaurants and museums!...

Not only that, but timezone wise I still have the same benefits and no tax (unless I am mistaken)
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BBB said:

'but for permit holders 40 bottles of Fosters is made available to British Passport holders each week.....'

So what do you have to drink for the other 6 days?

Dax- you make some valid comments, but I am seriously thinking of moving out to the EU somewhere. Cost of living is cheaper and better. London is stinky, full of grumpy gits who take everything far to seriously, and it takes 2 hours to go down the road. I just don't see why this place is so expensive! So it has a few good restaurants and museums!...

Not only that, but timezone wise I still have the same benefits and no tax (unless I am mistaken)

....very off....well there is al local brew that is dark brown in colour....a sip is all you will need...

although dry state and with permits etc....alchohol actually flows's just that if you are caught then you may have to spend few bobs to bribe the judges...and no one wants that hassle...and hence permits...
shameet said:
Hi zambuck,

Dry State which means you are from Gujarat which part are you from as i was was born in London but my family is all from india.

I was also there in Dec/Jan and very nice it was.

Would be nice to learn more about your friend trading the indian markets never looked at it my self.


Hi smaeet...Rajkot to be precise...went to Diu as well...road to Dia via Sasan Gir is quite amzing as you see many colonial bungalows along the way.....prefer Diu more than Goa..

My friend is using AdbvanceGet and another package, both are avilable via local agent and data I believe is via viratech....he also uses metastock....

Lately with booming markets he has made fortune there...but after election it may dip a little...
Also Gondal town nearby whose maharajah proclaimed that all houses must be built in colonial style and must have cast iron fencing that looks at home in any Regency or Victorian houses..

Even today the streets of Gondal are lined with these cast iron fencing...with architecture to match the Colonial past...

It is incredible to see these beautiful bugalows that are rotting away because no one wants to live in all residents are going 'modern' by living in 'multistory flats'...!!!...
Turnin into a right meetup place this thread! nice... 🙂

Mr.C, are we talkin 3rd St btwn Santa Monica Ave and Broadway? I believe if go down Broadway to coast and hang a left u run into pier... my dad used to take me fishin their in the 50's... he had an Electronics Trade School on Sunset Blvd teachin GI Joes how to do the 'valve' tv/radio servicing thing after he hung his pistol up after WII...
Well, well - what a small world. Were you livin/workin in SM?

dax - sounds about right, unfortunately. I was born in Glendale. Lived in 'EagleRock'... whole life, dossed in Santa Monica few years - somethin to do with a better forgotten armed conflict... 🙁
Landed up in jolly olde worlde England (and... bl**dy better for it too!)

yep, small world indeed.

Your descriptions are great - and 25C very nice indeed. Any pics of these colonial vistas you might want to share?

Does that mean these 'gems' are goin cheap? Ever thought about the property biz. Looking back at events in UK, p'haps Gondal is ripe for takeover!

I picture Melbourne to be that way, not been mind you but...

Hi zambuck,

Im from Anand sides, but i know Gondal as my Brother in law just got married to a girl from Gondal i was there for the wedding.

Unfortunately I did not take any pics...but my digital video may have pics..I will see....

This gems are going cheap...however to put things in perspective...say for eample, if these are 2million rupees...that is 20 lakhs....1 lakh is 100,000...then it is very cheap indeed as 1 pound is worth 83 rupees...

So if i sold my house for say £375.000 that is a lot of money over there...

But there is a summer the temp rises to you must have alternative of spending time here in summer...and if you know the lingo and general ways of life then it is amazing is improving al the time as India is prgresing and money is flowing there...

see link you an idea of things over there...

who knows perhpas one day T2W gang may in there sinking beers..???

all the best
shameet said:
Im from Anand sides, but i know Gondal as my Brother in law just got married to a girl from Gondal i was there for the wedding.

Hi Shameet...well you must know what I am taliking about in that case...

But Anand is another place that is booming and many of my friends have their roots in there...all patels by the way..!!


Reality check - 45C is hot. Language is important and yes... understanding/accepting the ways/culture of ones surroundings is too.
Thanks for link to Rajkot - lots to absorb. I've bookmarked and will surf some more.
Man zambuck, my dodgy calcs indicates your 375k house makes you a 15.5 millionaire!
