Stupid mee :)


Junior member
I know that you have probably read a similar post in other forums before from neewbies.

There are hundres of thecnical indicators out there, but how many can prove that they work, is there any research done on it. How many earn money on BB RSI OBV and so on, and if you cant earn on using one indicator, what indocators shoul you use togheter ?

I have read the book to Thomas Bilkowski, but when i look on his track record im not that impressed.

So my basc qestion is what is the best trading formation, is i trending, is it buy on dip ? And so on, im interested in your own learning prosess, what you use togheter, and so on ...

What im trying to test now that is a stupid and long prosess is paper trade if the best strategy is to buy when the stock dip dow to the floor of a trend channel ore if its better to buy stocks when they have passed their all time high so there is no resistens level, any input ore reading about similar strategys ?

Im using the fundamental screen to Martin Zeig, and think that holding one to a stock in a trendchannel until the volume veakens ore it hits resistens level ..

This won't be what you want to hear, but research has actually shown that most Technical Indicators struggle to beat 50-55% reliablity as an entry technique, which is really no better than random entry.

I'm not saying that there is no place for Technical Indicators because many traders use them successfully, just be careful that you don't put all your emphasis on them. There are many threads on here that have discussed Technical Indicators in great detail.

In my opinion, your best indicators are always price and volume.


thank you What about colby ?

Thank you for the honest reply, I like to hear it. When you talk about price and volume, what do you mean then, do you have a set of criterias that has to be filled before you buy, like the OBV (on balance volume ) over 75 and the price over 13/25/50 sma ?

And altso have your read this He sais its the 5 ema that is the best, but how dose i cross ut with 5 and 7 ema ore just buy when the price is over 5 ema ?

Thank you for the reply for now, could you direct mee to some of the research that you have been reading ?
Thank you for the honest reply, I like to hear it. When you talk about price and volume, what do you mean then, do you have a set of criterias that has to be filled before you buy, like the OBV (on balance volume ) over 75 and the price over 13/25/50 sma ?

And altso have your read this He sais its the 5 ema that is the best, but how dose i cross ut with 5 and 7 ema ore just buy when the price is over 5 ema ?

Thank you for the reply for now, could you direct mee to some of the research that you have been reading ?


I mean that I do not apply any Technical Indicators to my chart.

When I say price and volume, I mean that I look at what the price has done and the volume associated with it, and I decide what and how to trade accordingly.

For me, conventional oscillators, averages, etc just serve to cloud the issue.

