Stuck in... need help


So, hey guys. Briefly - few months/half a year ago i decided to learn about trading. I have a nice job, but want to try the markets. So swing trading was the best choice as a part time job.
It was extremely hard becouse english is not my native languege, and there is no good info here. How ever, i learnt the termins and the basics, read a lot of books and blogs and now paper trade.

The reality is that i am stuck with the information - almost every blog/website have the same basic info like the other. I am borred with reading the same and same and so on, and whaste my time.

The good books are old, and i am not sure that they are actual in the current markets.

Ohh, i forgot every good blogger/vloger or guy that write something interesting or different is daytrader... Like this guy: "sidewaysmarkets" He is awesome - so different than others that watched, but trade on the 1 minute bars and different markets.

I am more interested in the pullback setups with short therm strategies in the stock market. How ever i am oppen minded in different strategiieis also.Dont like using too much indicators - rather the price action itself.

So i need advice about usefull resourses, blogs, books and so on about my problems described above and interests.

Also interested in infos, that are rarely described

- Algorithms/ AI trading - and how to catch them - use them-
- Instituinoal trading - how to trade with the smart money
- The best swing trading setups in strategies that work for current markets
- Good resourses, blogers (i havent found none with my interests), modern books maybe
- Trading ideas and setups
- I dont want to watch for the news, economic events - all the day, so need usefull info - what events, news drive the market and how to watch for them easy on 1 place. The economic news are so difficult written, that I almost don't understand anything. How is it possible to read books and watch videos without translator, but to don't understand that news 😀

So, i know that i ask for a lot.. I gues you know how hard it is to learn alone.

Thanks, and nice meet you.
Here are some books:

Find what type of trading you like and then read and listen to successful people in that area.

NOTE: Just because something is old, doesn't mean it does not work.
There are plenty of books/audiobooks out there that are old but very good.

The books/YouTube channels/Twitter follows are not going to make you money.
They will help you build up your understanding and then it's you that will formulate your own plan.

If you want to make money in something where the majority of people lose money, then you better work hard and smart.
Nobody is going to hand you something that will make you money instantly.
Making money consistently comes down to how well you understand, and how much experience you have.
It was 3 years before I became consistently profitable
- Algorithms/ AI trading - and how to catch them - use them-
- Instituinoal trading - how to trade with the smart money
- The best swing trading setups in strategies that work for current markets
- Good resourses, blogers (i havent found none with my interests), modern books maybe
- Trading ideas and setups
Look for Kevin Davey and Ernest Chan.
What is your annualized return?
Good question!
I don't really follow my performance results well as I now have 4 accounts - I am up on 3 accounts and the 4th is a new one and no positions have been closed yet, so nothing to report on that one (-13% unrealized I think)

I should probably keep better records 🙂

My oldest account was up 96% last year and up 17% the year before (currently up 77% realised this year or 131% if unrealized is included)
That account is my best performer as the other 3 are positioned to take advantage of what is to come.

I'd like to have something that keeps track of my performance for me.
I'm so lazy 🙂
So, hey guys. Briefly - few months/half a year ago i decided to learn about trading. I have a nice job, but want to try the markets. So swing trading was the best choice as a part time job.
It was extremely hard becouse english is not my native languege, and there is no good info here. How ever, i learnt the termins and the basics, read a lot of books and blogs and now paper trade.

The reality is that i am stuck with the information - almost every blog/website have the same basic info like the other. I am borred with reading the same and same and so on, and whaste my time.

The good books are old, and i am not sure that they are actual in the current markets.

Ohh, i forgot every good blogger/vloger or guy that write something interesting or different is daytrader... Like this guy: "sidewaysmarkets" He is awesome - so different than others that watched, but trade on the 1 minute bars and different markets.

I am more interested in the pullback setups with short therm strategies in the stock market. How ever i am oppen minded in different strategiieis also.Dont like using too much indicators - rather the price action itself.

So i need advice about usefull resourses, blogs, books and so on about my problems described above and interests.

Also interested in infos, that are rarely described

- Algorithms/ AI trading - and how to catch them - use them-
- Instituinoal trading - how to trade with the smart money
- The best swing trading setups in strategies that work for current markets
- Good resourses, blogers (i havent found none with my interests), modern books maybe
- Trading ideas and setups
- I dont want to watch for the news, economic events - all the day, so need usefull info - what events, news drive the market and how to watch for them easy on 1 place. The economic news are so difficult written, that I almost don't understand anything. How is it possible to read books and watch videos without translator, but to don't understand that news 😀

So, i know that i ask for a lot.. I gues you know how hard it is to learn alone.

Thanks, and nice meet you.
The modern world contains infinite resources for learning trading
And infinite rabbit holes
And infinite supplies of experts and gurus who all wish to sell you magic beans

No one can advise you of your’s yours to walk alone

Continue to read and research tirelessly and listen to what resonates with you ....this will take a long time ....we are all individuals .....gradually you can see the bullsh#t and discard it ...retain what you feel matters .....

Then specialise .......I cannot say this enough ...SPECIALISE

When someone says it works in all markets that’s absolute cr@p won’t

Once you have specialised bring your learning to the table and follow the rules that most great traders tell us ....discipline patience money management timing etc etc

It’s actually ok once you get there .....but it really is a journey that few succeed in

Watch out on the discipline area.....sounds like you are already slacking !!!

Have you tried YouTube? There seems to be a ton of content and multiple creator channels there so you may be able to find something that peaks your interest. There are tons of lists of forex channels that explain what each one is about, so you could skim those and only follow people who are positing content that you're interested in. Forex Academy is a good one off the top of my head, but it may be more beginner friendly than what you're looking for.
Have you taken a look at YouTube? There appears to be a lot of content there, as well as multiple creator channels, so you might find something to your liking. There are various lists of FX channels accessible that explain what each one is about, so you may scan them and just follow people who provide content that interests you.