Stress and Trading

  • Thread starter Thread starter ivorm
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Well-known member
Well, I guess we all know that trading can be stressful (to say the least !).

I'm interested to know how people cope with the stress. Is there anything that you do to try to reduce or manage the stress ?


ivorm said:
Well, I guess we all know that trading can be stressful (to say the least !).

I'm interested to know how people cope with the stress. Is there anything that you do to try to reduce or manage the stress ?


once a trade is on, the stress occurs when I focus too much on the twitchiness, and get flustered.
I reduce that by distracting myself from the trading screen by writing wind-up posts on random threads. oh yes I do. 🙂
trendie said:
once a trade is on, the stress occurs when I focus too much on the twitchiness, and get flustered.
I reduce that by distracting myself from the trading screen by writing wind-up posts on random threads. oh yes I do. 🙂

I consider this kind of behaviour to be despicable and to be wholeheartedly encouraged. :cheesy:
It gets easier with time and experience. Start with small position size and decide BEFORE the trade where your exit will be if it goes against you. Strictly adhere to that, no matter what. That reduces stress because you are in control.
Once your trailing stop system instructs you to exit a trade, do so without hesitation.
In time gradually work up your position size provided the parameters of success you set yourself are achieved first, e.g. win/loss ratio, ave win size/ave win loss and so on.
I'll put an example of one of my trades this afternoon on another thread
in a few minutes to illustrate how I control trades to minimise stress.
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you will significantly reduce your stress by beleiving your system/strategy and the probabilistic outcomes of individual trades within it.

once you fully accept that the future is unknown then there is little to get stressed about.
Best to control stress in trading is to have other sources of income and make trading profits unimportant.
ie A job, rental income, interest on cash etc.

Then you can take it easy and stick to your plan, rather than stressing about how you are going to pay the
don't think about money, i aways think about fish and chips when in a trade :cheesy:
ivorm said:
Well, I guess we all know that trading can be stressful (to say the least !).

I'm interested to know how people cope with the stress. Is there anything that you do to try to reduce or manage the stress ?



I stopped day-trading. No more stress now 🙂
Encase yourself in a big human size icecube with only your hands free
twalker said:
Strangling animals, golf and mast*rbating

lol...... wouldn't like to see old Angelina after he's played a round or 2 with her.. 😱

Ivor not sure on your timestyle, directional day or shorter? longer? extensive days close to these screens doesn't do anything to help , so sit back a few feet now and then if your style allows it and drink camomile tea ,naturally calming..(avoid tea and coffee unlesss decaf,.) breathing control in for a count of 3 out for 6 (reduces the heart rate) you can still watch hawk like but relaxed and passive enjoy your brew......

ohh ive usually have radio on, not for stress but more something while you work, I can concentrate and listen but its pretty much routine now staring at the sreens, maybe not so good for someone who might see it as distraction....

what is the cause of your stress? I think when we are trying to find our way with trading ,stress related to perhaps continual frustration of "not being entirely satisfied with our method" or participation in the market, catch 22 syndrome, can be a bitch of a journey to work through...

reflecting on myself, i expect of myself to push to know to a level which would satisfy my own level of inner expectations, not anyone elses if this makes sense.. and its not static I can see the added value if we personalise our depth of knowledge by unique exploration and experience with it all .

what do we expect of ourselves? and how we respond to them (ourselves) perhaps can take a while to see.

hmm what twalker suggests might be a fast track option though..... 😛