Strange movements


Established member
After logging back into CMC today, I noticed some strange movements with GBP/US$, also Euro USD
At 1-29 PM the chart shows that the GBP/Euro jumped from 1.6621 to 1.6773. These spikes do happen sometimes and is a reason that I don't like to use stoplosses where possible.
The really unusual thing about this spike is that it stayed high for over 10 minutes after dropping back a bit. Then returned to normal levels.
As far as I know this jump only happened with CMC.
I had no open position at the time, so it didn't affect me, but I do wonder if this had triggered somebody's stoploss, would CMC make good any losses. I suspect that if somebody was long at the time, that CMC wouldn't pay out the profit.
Anybody had experience of losing or winning from a spike like this? If so, did you get reimbursed for your losses, or keep your winnings?
1 minute chart attached


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Sure price didn't just gap up at US open?

If you start thinking in terms of supply and demand, bids and offers and about who holds positions in that markets and what those positions could be, what level are they likely to want to offload or buy, where the chart is saying people have been offloading or buying... This list could be endless

Just remember that it's not a chart its supposed to be a reflection of the action taking place in the market... finding out what it was and how to profit from the next one is the only important thing IMO

Might not be a great answer but though I'd give it a go seeing how you've had no replies.
Sure price didn't just gap up at US open?

If you start thinking in terms of supply and demand, bids and offers and about who holds positions in that markets and what those positions could be, what level are they likely to want to offload or buy, where the chart is saying people have been offloading or buying... This list could be endless

Just remember that it's not a chart its supposed to be a reflection of the action taking place in the market... finding out what it was and how to profit from the next one is the only important thing IMO

Might not be a great answer but though I'd give it a go seeing how you've had no replies.

Thanks for the reply.
I'm sure that this only happened with CMC charts. I read in another thread that there seems to have been a problem with their spreadbetting platform (I'm CFD's)
It is a bit annoying as wrong data in a chart will make subsequent calculations for RSI etc inaccurate!