Stock trading broker for beginner?



A newbie here interested in trading some US stocks(I am from Romania, Europe). I simply intend to invest a small amount of money(~200 US $) in some stocks as a long-term investment.

My question is what broker should I chose? I was just about to finish opening an account at Saxo Bank, but why not research a little more?

I don't have any specific requests(small fees of course 😆) but a web-trader or a BlackBerry app is a plus. It's not too important tough.
What seems more important for me is a simple registration process. Saxo just asks for some details and some copies of IDs. I would hate to complete a lot of forms.

So: US stocks, long term, small amounts of money?

Thanks beforehand.

A newbie here interested in trading some US stocks(I am from Romania, Europe). I simply intend to invest a small amount of money(~200 US $) in some stocks as a long-term investment.

My question is what broker should I chose? I was just about to finish opening an account at Saxo Bank, but why not research a little more?

I don't have any specific requests(small fees of course 😆) but a web-trader or a BlackBerry app is a plus. It's not too important tough.
What seems more important for me is a simple registration process. Saxo just asks for some details and some copies of IDs. I would hate to complete a lot of forms.

So: US stocks, long term, small amounts of money?

Thanks beforehand.

Bear in mind your long term return doing this will be about 6% a year give or take.
So, you'll make $12 a year and maybe some dividends.

Try Zecco.
Zecco is based in the US and their registration forms just drive me crazy. It was an option before Saxo actually...
In online trading, you can see the rates at which a scrip can be sold or purchased (just like vegetable in vegetable market). even with a difference of Rs.0.05, u can buy and sell. whereas if u buy thro' a broker, you have to quote the rate and wait for the order to mature. So you can open an account with someone like Sharekhan, etc., use their software and order online. Only constraint is during trade hours, u shd be in a position to order. That is, if u r working somewhere, during 9.00 to 15.45 hours, u may not be in a position to trade online
Hey friend, if you want an advice from a fellow Romanian who is also a professional trader, ... with 200$ you are well under-capitalized ... no matter the timeframe or the market. If you want to play a little with the concept of trading you can try with even 200$ but if you expect to make money ... you are misinformed.
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200? uh? dude you won't make much. The very least you need is like 500 to 2000. Most plays can be done with 1000. I don't recommend holding anything over night. Since the market is pretty awry. Well also depending on your trading style. Day trader buy and sell same day. Swing traders hold the stock for 2 to 5 days. Depending on your style.
So, I'm gonna go with optionsXpress or Saxo. Any recommendations?
Thinkorswim. Their platforms are fantastic, mobile app is more than adequate for monitoring and adjusting.
OX is great for the beginner trader but you have to get good commissions or it will kill your trading.

Have you thought about Interactive brokers ? But I am not sure they open accounts for such small deposit
I believe IB has a $10'000 deposit minimum (poor fee structure)