Stock Market sell off coming late Aug. or in Sep.



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taking this scenario very seriously
scalping DOW atm
foe some time now the spread between futures and cash favours a move down.
The spread has narrowed considerably, DOW has one more intersessions gap to the down side to fill in.
I am looking at volume on different TF, to see how the summer scenario has affected volume versus PA.
Strong selling opportunity coming up.


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JP Morgan says don't buy stocks until September. I would say don't buy until November.
JP Morgan and other institutions are involve in the markets big way themselves.
It is difficult to gauge their "advise" and its timing, but yes occasionally these institution are right.
There are some gaps to the downside on DOW the us session chart, these gaps are eventually filled, so yes there is going to be that move down.


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    DOW inters session gaps 2019-08-19_202839.png
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JP Morgan and other institutions are involve in the markets big way themselves.
It is difficult to gauge their "advise" and its timing, but yes occasionally these institution are right.
There are some gaps to the downside on DOW the us session chart, these gaps are eventually filled, so yes there is going to be that move down.
DOW has moved well into the first US inter-sessions gap, almost closed it but not quite
More gaps remain to the downside.


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    DOW US serssions M30 2019-08-20_213410.png
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Stopped on short at break even. Short again at 2926. May hold into November. We'll see.
Spread between DOW cash and DOW futures widening again.
Atm prise in the region of Fib R38.2 on DOW continuous cash, will see what thew US session brings.
Eventful weekend with G7 well predicted moronologia coming around, and of course Jackson Hole and Mr Powell speech later on
Overall - interesting end of the week
New China tariffs, FOMC limitations in what they can do. Now just need Trump to add more tariffs on China. Just now heard on CNBC where Trump is calling Powell an enemy.
New China tariffs, FOMC limitations in what they can do. Now just need Trump to add more tariffs on China. Just now heard on CNBC where Trump is calling Powell an enemy.
Trump did add more tariffs on China. I guessed right! On Sunday open, SP could gap 100 points lower. My short position.
Could be a retracement to the next ITD high. Then down. MTD is down also for September.
I trade what I see. The holiday season is ending and the market condition might change again.
One of the best advise that Mr Copan has released in his recordings, is to follow the market when the PA has and is confirming the scenario one has observed that statistically is likely to unfold in the following days/weeks. This applies to trading generally and is not solely specific to Delta approach, but yes his remarks are correct and apply to all TFs.
I avoid establishing large position/s in hope to catch the top/bottom reversal, forgoing the possible advantage of an early entry, instead I follow up with adding trades to the position/s in profit. By this I try to limit the risk, and I am happy with limited profits too.
When the proposed count on a higher TF does not happen or is delayed, it is ok and does not harm my account, I trade intra day PA.
August has had some large swings outside of US session, I usually do not put intraday trades outside of an open session.

Good weekend to all!