Starting off daytrading....(advice required)


I noticed you quickly increased your bank from £5k to £10. I think you should start trading with just £5k. If and when you screw up and loose 50%, you'll be only down by £2500 and not £5k. Don't let it be a case of 'quickly come quickly go'. With a bit of trading experience behind you, then make the decision to bring in the second £5k or use it on a nice holiday before going back to work. 🙂

Quick question to all.

Is £5k enough to start trading for a living? (This is after the learning stage and regular profits have been made practising)

happy trading

Is £5k enough to start trading for a living? (This is after the learning stage and regular profits have been made practising)

It depends on what you call a living and what your risk profile is. I trade emini's and expect to make $15-20k (about £10k) per year per contract traded. With £5000 (about $9000) I could trade 2 contracts and expect a maximum drawdown of 30% (per my system profile) and still being able to trade 2 contracts.

why don't you set up a Futures account??? - speak to Jerry Miller at Trendsignal and check out (they use IB) - the spread on futures is only 0.5 points!
+ you will 'only' need approx £1.5k to set up the account.

I will be starting with the £5k and sticking the other £5k in reserve - not planning to live off this pot as I have other arrangements in place to cover my living expenses - all my profits will be re-invested back into the pot.

I leave work in Aug - can't wait!!!
I beleive you could trade with only £5k in a spread bet account but to earn a living you will be sailing a bit close to the wind for a while, in fact more than a while. This adds to the pressure and won't make your task any easier.

The other problem is you would need to use a lot of margin and one hit could wipe you out. It's ok saying I'll use correct MM and a SL of X but if you are leveraging and get whacked by a profits warning/takeover you'll be cream crackered. How many people were wipped out last week with M&S?

The other problem I see for you is what you intend to trade, futures ain't for beginners and will only help you lose your money faster.

Good luck.
The Bramble
of course strict money management,fairly tight s/l,s trades in profit will run till there is a signal to indicate they may have run out of steam.what will I do when/if I achieve a points target? Take Friday off : )
Thank,s for your reply it was actually quite thought provoking.

The Undertaker
going to stick with what I know for now,"futures ain't for beginners"seems to ring a bell
My own venture in to the fray will not be till mid July which is when I intend on finishing work although I have to say this may change due to other influences,stillhave to set up data feed etc.