Starting a trading club??


Junior member
Hello I am going to community college and am going to start a trading club. I talked to student services and the guy said its a great idea and he will help me guide me. I basically have to get a faculty member and 10 students to join. Can you guys help me think of ideas to raise people? The school said it may be able to give money to trade and id run it kinnda like a prop firm in the computer lab. A few personally chosen traders ill give them an interview/questions ofcourse they arnt going to make anything but its still a good idea right? And this will look good on my college transcript for when i transfer.

thank you.
Is it a good idea to start a trading club, that the college is backing with real money, with 10 fellow colleagues? Of course it's a bloody good idea...!

I don't know why you need help with ideas on getting people interested. Just have a promo poster or whatever that says something along the lines of "Make billions trading at my club, starting next Tuesday behind the bike sheds. P.S. bring lots of dope."